Updates & Opportunities
Updates, news stories and additional information on the various grants and funding opportunities in Queensland.
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Most recent updates at the top
Thriving Cohesive Communities Grants
Thriving Cohesive Communities Grants form part of the Queensland Government’s social cohesion program to build cohesive and resilient Queensland communities and foster a strong sense of belonging for all Queenslanders.
Applications are now open for community projects of up to 16 months duration (March 2020 – June 2021) that enable people from all backgrounds, ages and abilities to be included and actively contribute to their local community.
Non-recurrent grant funding of nearly $2 million (exc. GST) is available under three streams:
Stream 1: Community-led social cohesion planning and action
Up to $400,000 (exc. GST) per location for community-led projects in the priority locations of Toowoomba, Rockhampton and Townsville.
Stream 2: Pathways to economic inclusion —
Up to $120,000 (exc. GST) per project for projects that resource established social enterprises to engage vulnerable young people and family members in the community.
Stream 3: Engaging young people to become global citizens
Up to $70,000 (exc. GST) per project for projects that assist people in positions of influence with young people to positively engage them on topics of diversity, inclusion and social cohesion.
Stream 2 is for Social Enterprises based in Queensland, while Streams 1 and 3 are more open.
Click for Eligibility & Application info
Active Clubs
Active Clubs provides funding of up to $2,000 for either equipment or training to local and regional sport and active recreation organisations delivering physical activity throughout Queensland.
Key dates for round 1
- 17 October 2019 – Applications open
- 15 November 2019 – Applications CLOSE at 5.00pm
- 31 January 2020 – Approved projects can begin (subject to receipt of approval letter and terms and conditions)
- 31 January 2021 – Projects must be completed