Resources to help you be more effective in locating, managing and satisfying potential sponsors

Sponsorship is the act of supporting an event, activity, person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or services. The individual or group that provides the support, similar to a benefactor, is known as sponsor.

Please note: this page is a work in progress. Any ideas for updates and inclusions will be gratefully received. Thank you

What is sponsorship?

Sponsorship is a cash and/or in-kind fee paid to a property (typically in sports, arts, entertainment or causes) in return for access to the exploitable commercial potential associated with that property.

While the sponsoree (property being sponsored) may be nonprofit, unlike philanthropy, sponsorship is done with the expectation of a commercial return.

While sponsorship can deliver increased awareness, brand building and propensity to purchase, it is different from advertising. Unlike advertising, sponsorship can not communicate specific product attributes. Nor can it stand alone, as sponsorship requires support elements.


Sponsorship provides, business access, connections, hospitality, affinity, audience access, data, and helps to shape public perception in a way that can be hard to achieve using your own marketing and branding efforts alone. Sponsors and properties working together can create a broader reach and shared objectives, multiplying the resources they have and leveraging the combined power of the relationship.

The Sponsorship Guy

Links & Resources

Preparing to get a Sponsor

Sponsors are risk averse.
They must know that a property or partnership can deliver what they say

The Sponsorship Guy

Top 5 tips on securing sponsorship

Tips for securing sponsorship and funding for your association or event.

The Association Specialists

A Guide to Securing Sponsorship

Sponsorship isn’t everything. After all riding is and should be about having a good time on your bike, but if you are looking to take it further, here are just a few things that may help you attract a sponsor.

Lauren Jenkins

The Non-Profit Guide To Best Practice Sponsorship

There are defined steps involved in being able to create and leverage committed and sustainable corporate partnerships.  Steps that start with creating a plan, finding where your best potential partners are and building relationships with them, connecting with and securing their involvement and ultimately keeping them.

Infinity Sponsorship

A Start-to-Finish Guide to Securing Corporate Sponsorship for Your Event

What’s involved in selling event sponsorships? These 10 steps will help you determine the value of a sponsorship, find prospects, write a proposal, sell the sponsorship, and fulfill the agreement after the sponsorship is sold.

Greater Public

How to secure sponsorship for your event

Securing sponsorship for an event is not just about acquiring financial support. If done properly, sponsorship can be the best partnership for your event, ensuing that both parties involved achieve worthwhile results.
“Sponsorship is the best partnership for your event”

Event Birdie

Top Ten Tips for Sponsorship Seekers

Before you get involved in seeking sponsorship, there are a few tips that can help you to get your head around the task at hand.

Kim Skildum-Reid
Power Sponsorship

Other interesting and useful resources?

Come across any useful resources to help you get sponsorship?
Let us know by Recommending a Resource

DisclaimerPlease note that Outdoors Queensland does not endorse the quality of any of the resources listed on this page and will not accept responsibility for any omissions or mishaps caused as a result of their use. That said, we wish you all the best in your search for a new sponsor and in managing an ongoing sponsorship relationship.