Queensland’s Protected Area Strategy 2020–2030

Protecting our world-class natural and cultural values

The purpose of this strategy is to inspire Queenslanders and visitors alike to feel excited and moved by the rich beauty and cultural heritage of our protected areas, and encourage partners and supporters to invest in our unique natural environment.

Introduction (excerpt)

Queensland’s biodiversity is truly extraordinary, and of significance at local, national and international levels.

Queensland is home to twice as many native wildlife species as any other Australian state or territory. Half of the species living in Queensland are
unique to the state. Queensland is also home to 72% of Australia’s native bird species, 85% of its native mammals and just over 50% of the country’s native reptiles and frogs.

Queensland’s rich cultural values are also of global significance, with First Nations peoples – the world’s oldest continuous cultures – caring for land and sea Country as living cultural landscapes across thousands of generations.

National parks and other protected areas play a vital role in maintaining and protecting these amazing biodiversity and cultural values, for future
generations, through their capacity to provide the highest levels of protection and long-term security available … read more

Queensland’s Protected Area Strategy 2020 – 2030 provides a pathway to grow our protected area system and transform the way protected areas are managed – providing real benefits to all Queenslanders including First Nations peoples, and putting Queensland at the forefront of conservation innovation across the globe.