Mark Squires
Outdoor gear and related products (and links) we have come across that appear to be either useful, interesting or even entertaining.
Disclaimer: Please note that Outdoors Queensland does not endorse the products listed on this page and will not accept any responsibility for any accidents or injury caused as a result of using these products.
Local Gear Manufacturers
Australian Equipment Retailers
Gear Info
REI Expert Advice Checklists
Mostly advice on gear, what to do, how to prepare and more …
Source: REI
10 clever camping coffee makers – so you never need to drink instant when outdoors!
What coffee maker for outdoors? We show you, 10 clever coffee makers, for when you are camping or hiking.
Source: Go Camping Australia
Seamless Global Messaging for Smartphones Is Here
For Anyone Who Ventures Beyond Mobile Coverage
Only ZOLEO connects with your phone or tablet to provide seamless global messaging that follows you in and out of mobile coverage — plus added safety features you can count on world-wide.
GRAYL® Ultralight Purifier [+Filter] Bottle
Purification and filtration in [ONE PRESS]. The world’s most efficient and convenient purifier bottle makes safe, clean drinking water from virtually any fresh water source in the world — in only 15 seconds.
Navigate, create waypoints, log your trip and find your way back. Send and receive text messages. Trigger an interactive SOS. Plan, track and share your journey. You can do all of this from one rugged handheld device with 100% global coverage from Iridium. You can also pair it with your mobile device to access topographic maps.
Ezygonow’s vision is to provide Australian outdoor enthusiasts freedom in adventure. Whether it be camping, hiking, rock-climbing, hunting, four-wheel driving tours, fishing, kayaking, Ezygonow envisages hassle-free outdoor experiences for all with Cleanwaste products never far away.
Our Story
Ezygonow was founded by an Australian family who love the outdoors. With convenience high on their priority list, they realised there was a need for such high-quality, compact and portable products in the Australian market. To satisfy the needs of all outdoor adventurers in Australia and to eliminate the stress of people wondering where they are “going to go” next it was obvious that introducing these Cleanwaste products in Australia was paramount. And so, Ezygonow was formed.
Our Products
Ezygonow provides Cleanwaste products which are suitable for a variety of markets including, but not limited to, outdoor, emergency and disaster services, defence forces, home and institutional healthcare, transportation, construction and mining.
This system enables participants to progress on the trails without the possibility of becoming unlocked.
Passive system, of class E (the highest in the category of safety systems).
From Vert Voltige Innovation
- The only Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) ensuring complete safety on all your existing routes.
- Prevents* falls and your possible liability. Greater peace of mind for you. (*under normal use).
- A training product with which the user remains in full control of the progression in complete safety.
Looks like an interesting and useful resource on all things ‘stove’
Gear for Hire

Pinnacle Sports
17/152 Musgrave Rd
Red Hill QLD 4059 (Find on Google Maps)
(07) 3368 3335
300 3m high x 5m diameter bell tents with mesh doors, roll up sides and zip in groundsheet
Price on application (Pricing options are available for NFP’s, Community Groups & longer lengths bookings)
Bookings at Scouts Queensland
Lightweight tents, packs, and safety gear for hire to individuals, small groups, larger teams. Inc packages for Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Support Crew
0401 862 740
A range of camper trailers and caravans to suit different needs, from a basic soft-floor all the way to a luxury dual fold off-road machine. Also a variety of kayaks from kids all the way up to full on fishing kayaks.
Adventure Shack
Unit 4, 1422 New Cleveland Rd
Capalaba QLD (Find on Google Maps)
07 3823 3520
allaid supplies
(in association with Equipped Outdoors)
All Aid First Aid is a contemporary and dynamic first aid training company renowned for highly practical and realistic training programs – All Aid First Aid provides tailored training to a range of clients including the Australian Army and Navy, power stations, adventure companies, corporations and schools. Please click here to be directed to the All Aid First Aid website.
Equipped Outdoors is a specialised, direct to industry supplier of outdoor and roping equipment. Equipped is a supplier to organisations such as Emergency Services, NSW Dept. Sport & Recreation and Outward Bound Australia and offers great service backed by experienced outdoor professionals and over 10 years in business. Please click here to be directed to the Equipped website.
Interesting Articles and Resources
Layers, Layers Everywhere
Layering lets you adjust your body’s thermostat by putting on and removing items to maintain an even comfort level as conditions and your exertion levels change. For a more detailed explanation, read Layering Basics. This clothing strategy is especially important in wintry weather.
With cooler weather and being outdoors, what you wear is important. The way to dress for whatever the weather throws at you is by layering your clothing. You need to dress for the elements. The layers apply to summer and winter, but we are going to focus more on keeping warm. And this is the guide to help you do it right!
There are 3 key layers
- The base layer
- The mid layer
- The outer layer
Source: REI
Grey Imports
Grey Import (noun) – a product sold into Australia without the specific permission of the manufacturer. Also known as a parallel import.
When buying something from overseas for use in a commercial setting, there are some absolute caveats that can’t be ignored.
Article courtesy of Equipped Outdoors
Have another product to share?
Email operations@outdoorqueensland.com.au with all the details