wild weather checklist

Photo by Raychel Sanner (Pexels)

A storm is brewing: Your essential wild weather checklist

Queensland is the most disaster-prone state in the country – here’s how you prepare.

Queenslanders are a pretty resilient bunch when it comes to natural disasters, and as the most disaster-prone state in the country, we need to make sure we’re ready for whatever comes our way.

Like … tropical cyclones.

Although we’ve been through it all before, it pays to reset and check that you’re prepared when the first storm of the season hits. Plan ahead now and cross off this storm-ready checklist to safeguard your home and family.

  • Clean gutters and make sure downpipes and drains are clear
  • Trim back any overhanging tree branches
  • Inspect your roof and fences for any damage and make any necessary repairs
  • Secure all loose items outside your home such as outdoor furniture, shades and cubby houses
  • Install a surge protector in your home for sensitive electronic equipment
  • Check your insurance policy – if in doubt contact your insurer to find out what you’re covered for
  • Make sure your pets’ registration is current in case they get lost
  • Record an inventory of valuable contents in your home
  • Prepare a household evacuation plan and identify a safe place for shelter

Make sure your home has a full stocked emergency kit ready with all the essentials. You may be out of power for some time, so it’s important to be prepared for this. Include items such as:

  • First aid kit
  • Battery operated radio to keep updated about the storm situation
  • Battery operated torches for every family member
  • Spare batteries
  • Portable phone charger
  • Tinned and other non-perishable food
  • Can opener
  • Bottled drinking water
  • Essential medications
  • Portable cooking facilities with gas bottle or coal
  • Matches or lighters
  • Toiletries – toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, sunscreen and insect repellent
  • Change of clothes for each person
  • Supplies for infants including formula, baby food, nappies and wipes if required
  • Have extra cash on hand in case ATMs are not working
  • Keep a list of emergency numbers handy
  • Make sure important documents (identification and passports) and cash are stored in waterproof bags or containers

  • Secure and brace exposed windows and doors
  • Ensure your mobile phones are fully charged
  • Have your emergency kit ready
  • Make sure your car has a full tank of fuel and park it in the garage or a secure location away from trees, powerlines and drains
  • Turn off and unplug electrical appliances
  • Fill buckets, bath tub and sinks with water in case supplies are cut
  • Ensure your pets are safe and secure
  • Check on family, friends and neighbours

As the storm approaches take cover and stay safe indoors. Listen to the radio, social media or the Bureau of Meteorology website for regular updates and don’t venture out until it is safe to do so.

  • Stay tuned for any updates and safety information in your area
  • Proceed with caution and check your property for any damage
  • Keep clear of any damaged buildings, powerlines and trees
  • See if your neighbours are okay
  • Don’t use any electrical appliances that have been wet or damaged
  • Avoid driving through any affected areas

If you’re going away during the cyclone season, it’s worth unplugging all non-essential electrical equipment to avoid damage from possible power surges. This includes your fridge and freezer. Empty them out if you can, to save you from an unsightly clean up on your return.


Now that you’re all set, make sure to stay safe this cyclone season. If you need emergency assistance resulting from a storm, call the Queensland State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500. If you find yourself in a life-threatening situation contact triple zero (000) immediately.

7NEWS.com.au and Suncorp
See original article on 7News