The Early Impacts of COVID-19 on QORF Members

Analysis of structured interview questions

This report was developed to examine the current impacts of COVID-19 on members of the Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation (QORF). Recognised by the Queensland Government as the peak body for the outdoor sector and outdoor activities in Queensland, QORF is a member-based organisation that seeks to raise the profile, capacity and opportunities of outdoor activities in Queensland.

Executive Summary (excerpts)

The following research addresses concerns about the scope, scale and nature of impacts of COVID-19 on those working in and for the outdoor sector. Based on answers to structured interview questions with 88 (54%) of QORF’s members, the findings reveal:

  • 80% of QORF members have lost business resulting in staff needing to be stood down, work reduced hours, work from home, or rely on JobKeeper;
  • 18% have no work for their casual/ non-essential staff and have had to stand them all down;
  • 68% have already experienced major impacts on their revenue, with State Recreation Organisations (SRO’s), Activity & Tour Providers, and Campsite/ Conference Centres indicating the greatest impacts;
  • nearly 70% of respondents have a strong level of certainty their organisation would be operating in 6 months-time; and
  • only 60% rated a strong level of confidence they would still be operating in 12-months-time.

When asked to identify their top business-related concerns relating to COVID-19, the respondents’ included doubts regarding the internal capacity of their organisations to deliver services in the future; as well as concerns relating to external factors they could not influence.

Through their responses to a series of structured interview questions, the outdoor sector clearly expressed the vital and important role they play in people’s health, wellbeing, education, resilience and lifestyle. The sector also, however, believes this value is often unseen or insufficiently acknowledged. When asked what they would like government to understand – 70% of respondents indicated a desire for government to recognise and value the outdoor sector’s community, economic and health importance.


Based on research developed by QORF and conducted by staff from the Queensland Government agency of Sport and Recreation.

Donna Little
Way To Be