Good News Stories
Listen to QLD Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeanette Young, on being outdoors!
“as health authorities learn more about the virus, it was clear that being outdoors is the safest place to be”
Exciting news today … releasing restrictions today and getting Queenslanders outdoors.
… outdoors is the safest place to be and we have got the best climate in Australia and the world in terms of living our lives outdoors.
So I strongly recommend to everyone to think about whether you can have your gathering or function outdoors.
… wherever possible I strongly recommend people move their lives as much as possible outdoors
News Stories
Hear Dom Courtney talk about the easing of restrictions for outdoor activities in Queensland.
ABC Radio May 2
Saturday Morning Show with Kate O’Toole
Scroll through to about 1:22:00
UPDATE – Some Queensland national parks are reopening
As part of the Queensland Government’s ongoing response to COVID-19, some national parks and State forests will reopen to visitors from 11.59pm Friday 1 May.
Access is available to local walk-ins and local vehicles limited to site car park capacities only. Local recreational access is defined by the Chief Health Officer, as a travel radius from residence of 50km.
Camping areas, barbeques and some rock pools and swimming areas will remain closed for public safety.
Check the full and current list of closures on Park Alerts before you visit.
Read Full Story
Partial re-opening of some National Parks
The Palaszczuk Government today announced that some popular areas in National Parks in Queensland will re-open next Saturday, following a relaxation in guidelines from the Chief Health Officer.
Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Leeanne Enoch said public health and safety is the most important thing and with the easing of restrictions, people will have some greater freedom to visit parks and forests to exercise and look after their mental health.
“Over the long weekend, Queenslanders will be able to have a picnic and go for a walk in most National Parks as long as they observe the Chief Health Officer’s guidelines. READ MORE
Trekking to Everest base camp – – by climbing the stairs at home
April in Nepal usually means thousands of trekkers trudging up to Everest base camp. This spring the mountain is free of crowds but the trekkers are still trudging – up stairs, back steps, even up ladders in a virtual push to reach an altitude of 5,364 metres. Led by trail runner Rory Southworth, a team of about 30 climbers will reach their target this evening after five days of climbing. Read Full Story
Coronavirus travel restrictions have QLD island wildlife ‘buzzing’
The coronavirus is hurting Queensland’s tourism industry, but the flora and fauna that entice visitors are thriving during the downtime.
The ban on non-essential travel led to mass cancellations of accommodation and tour bookings to islands along the Queensland coast.
Tour operator Hana Robinson, who lives on Fraser Island, says the World Heritage site has changed dramatically in the past few weeks.
“You sort of feel like you’re the first to ever have discovered the island,” she said.
“There are no tyre tracks … very quickly the tide just wipes away any trace of any humans ever being there.”
We have many blessings to count
“Everything bad in life is eventually a blessing.”
The phrase reminds me of something Winston Churchill supposedly said on losing the 1945 election. His wife apparently told him that defeat may well have been a blessing in disguise. “Madame, if this is a blessing, it is indeed well disguised,” he replied. Read More
Source: The Upside:
Journalism that uncovers real solutions: people, movements and innovations offering answers to our most pressing problems.
Who do I want to be during COVID-19?
During challenging times, it is natural to react in a way that ensures our safety and the safety of those we care about. It is important to tend to our most immediate needs and address our most immediate challenges. Challenging times, however, also present us with opportunities to grow, support others, and become valuable in new and different ways. Sometimes, if our mindset is right, we can also learn a great deal about ourselves, who we are, and who we can become. Read More
Source: University of Colorado Boulder
'Heroes' by the world wide phenomenon, Couch Choir
Where’s Dom? Can you spot QORF / Outdoors Queensland EO Dom Courtney?
News Stories (cont)
Families stuck at home turn to backyard camping for Easter ‘getaway’
When Ryf Quail bought a big family tent earlier this year, he had imagined taking his wife and children on a camping trip to Avoca on the Central Coast for Easter.
Instead, the new tent has been erected in the backyard to bring the camping experience to life at their Newport home. Despite a deflated air bed and the rain, the camp site had been a hit.
The COVID-19 pandemic has meant Mr Quail has also had to cut back on work related travel as part of his job running an international events business. “It’s been really lovely because I’m home a lot with my kids,” he said.
Mr Quail is part of a growing new community of backyard campers determined to sleep under the stars despite the COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions which have isolated them to their homes. Read More
Source: Anna Patty, The Brisbane Times
See also: The Great Aussie Camp Out
Chalk messages and drawings on streets are bringing hope during the coronavirus pandemic
So I just wanted to do something small that might make someone smile, whether they’re on their way to work as an essential worker or a kid out on a family walk with their parents after being cooped up inside for a week.
ABC News
We’re taking the kids camping – in the living room
Campers and open-water swimmers are coping with lockdown by going wild in their own homes and gardens. Are you doing the same?
Desperate times call for creativity, and for cooped-up outdoor enthusiasts that means attempting to conjure up a sense of adventure at home.
Across the country, lovers of camping are pitching their tents in gardens or living rooms, complete with marshmallows for toasting and guitars to play around mock campfires.
Source: The Guardian
Coronavirus self-isolation sees spike in backyard campouts to keep communities connected
What’s more Australian than sitting around the campfire at Easter, toasting marshmallows, and slapping mosquitoes?
In the middle of a global pandemic, the typical school holidays getaway is not an option this year, but it has not stopped hundreds of people from sleeping out under the stars.
Self-isolation measures to contain the spread of coronavirus have confined families across the country, and the world, to their homes. With Australia’s wide brown land suddenly only as far as the fence, many have taken up the challenge to roll out a swag or pitch a tent in the backyard.
7 ways that 10,000 Steps encourages you to stay active during COVID-19
During this unprecedented pandemic of COVID-19, it is extremely important to remind everyone that finding ways to be active will support your mental and physical health. At this stage, the advice is that walking in your neighbourhood if respectful of social distancing is OK and activity at home is absolutely encouraged!
Every minute of activity will add 100 steps and every 10 minutes will add 1,000 steps to your day! At 10,000 Steps we want to help you to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle even during social distancing. READ MORE
Bring the Outdoors Inside
A new article published by We Are Explorers on ways to bring the outdoors inside
Everything on this list is free or low-cost, and can be used to support your mental wellbeing – a bit of nature-based self-care for your new daily routine. Read More
Source: We Are Explorers
Australia’s outdoors is still OPEN
Outdoor sector leaders are urging the public to exercise outdoors while practicing good social distancing
The Outdoor Council of Australia, national peak body for outdoor activities, is reminding members of the public that the outdoors is still open and can play a vital role in maintaining community health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 crisis. Outdoor spaces remain available for individuals and families to exercise in accordance with government health guidance. Read More
Source: The Outdoor Council of Australia
Socially distant bear hunts …
– popping up all around the world to distract children from coronavirus
It began in Wichita, or maybe Philadelphia, no one is quite sure.
But one thing is certain — teddy bears and rainbows are beginning to pop up in gardens, windows and on fences around the world to create some social-distancing magic for children during the global coronavirus pandemic. Read More
Source: ABC News
Dinner parties go digital!
During coronavirus outbreak: ‘We lock in every Saturday night’
Just like with an ordinary dinner party, it takes a bit of organisation to pull off a group hang online via video chat, but the rewards are worth the effort.
In these times of isolation, whether it is self-imposed quarantine or for other reasons, we need to try to stay as connected as possible. It takes a little bit of planning, but bringing a group dynamic back to your socialising is something that can provide a bit of levity and joy when the days stuck indoors stretch on longer than normal. All you need is a computer or phone, an internet connection and a comfy place to sit. Read More
Source: The Guardian
The Respite of Trails and Outdoor Recreation
Trails As Health and Safety Inspiration in the Age of Coronavirus
America’s incomparable system of national scenic, historic, and recreational trails is the perfect way to sustain your mental and physical health, while maintaining the social distancing that is required in these challenging times.
Source: American Trails
23 Self-Isolation Activities for Outdoorsy Folk
A new article from ‘Cool of the Wild’
To ensure that we all stay sane and as healthy as possible during these unpredictable and changing times, Cool of the Wild has put together a list of activity ideas to do at home. Most of them are pretty easy to implement if you are feeling well. And a few of them can even be done if you’re not feeling tip-top. Enjoy! READ MORE
Coronavirus has closed the gyms, but are running, walking and cycling still safe exercise options?
The Guardian, March 24
Exercise outdoors, while you still can
If you’re not self-isolating or unwell, the experts agree you and your family can still go outside to exercise at this stage.
But you must practise social distancing, keep up good hygiene practices, and wash your hands when you get home.
This advice may change in the event of widespread community transmission of this coronavirus, said Adam Kamradt-Scott, an expert in the spread and control of infectious diseases at the University of Sydney.
So walking, cycling and running are still on the menu … read more
A Good News Story
March 25
You might be concerned for your friends and family.
That’s totally understandable. We are too.
We will get through this, because when faced with a crisis, Aussies pull together and have each other’s backs.
There’s a great example of this already on the ground and we’re going to play a part too.
Check out “Can I Help?” – it’s a little form you can print off and deliver to your neighbours, to let them know you’re there and you’re willing to help them if they need it.
Useful Links
The information on this page has been taken from credible sources and is shared with the best of intentions. While we have have done our best to provide the most up to date information, we cannot take responsibility for any person or organisation suffering as a result of using the information shared on this page. It is the responsibility of all organisations to do their research, to comply with all relevant legislation and to be aware of current government advice.