Group Activities, Games, Exercises & Initiatives

Youth Work Practice

Resources, Games, Crafts and Ideas for working with youth groups and camps – over 2500 games, activity programs, puzzles, group catering ideas and youth worked training tips. Read More


Seven Teambuilding Activities While Physically Distancing Activities

Source: FUNdoing eNews (Chris Cavert)

Activities originally from called, 84 Leadership Activities, Building Games, and Exercises.

Minefield – Make a super-big ‘obstacle’ field (I like this term better). Notice in the picture, plastic cups are good obstacles, as well as paper, paper plates, foam noodles, activity rope and anything else (that’s not sharp or pointy). Pairs stay together through the field (not one person standing outside the boundary area) – the person that can talk will stay right behind the person that has his/her eyes closed – the talker does not touch the unsighted person. The objective will be to touch as few obstacles in the field AND stay ‘six’ feet away from other pairs.

Ducks in a Row – I like this paired, then share, activity related to leadership. Your group is divided into pairs. Each pair, sitting safely apart, is tasked to. “come up with the steps that an effective leader goes through in order to work out how to manage a difficult situation.” Depending on my group, I might say instead, “When you find, as a group, you are stuck during a problem solving task, what steps might you go through in order to work out the challenge?” Then, pairs come back together as a whole group (safely distancing) and share their steps. When appropriate, decide as a group which one (or two) strategies they will use the next time a challenge occurs.

Same or Different – I like this one for 8 to 12 participants used as a ‘get-to-know-each-other-better’ activity. Set Up: Sit comfortably, safely distancing (in chairs or on the floor). Each person has the opportunity to pick someone in the group to ‘connect’ with and talk about (read more details in the post). Each person can only be chosen once. I would also limit (challenge) everyone to connect for, no more than, 60 seconds (as a way to limit the length of the activity).

Leadership Characteristics – This is a good small group discussion activity. Each person in a small group of 4 or 5 participants (sitting, safely distancing), shares a story about someone they believe is a good (or strong) leader. After each story, the group discusses the characteristics of the person in the story. After all stories are shared, a list is created, by each small group, of their favorite leadership characteristics. Each group then shares out to the other groups. (Supplies: Provide someone in each group with some index cards and a marker to record characteristics.)

The Marshmallow Challenge – This classic could be done safely – maybe with the frontload of the phrase, ‘Alone Together’ as a topic of discussion. Each participant gets 8 marshmallows (poured out of a freshly open bag) and 12 spaghetti noodles (handed out from someone with gloves). (If you can manage to safely distribute some masking tape to each person, add it in.) All participants are safely distanced around the area. Each person builds his/her own structure (Alone) and then, in the end, all structures must be connected (Together). To keep safe distancing, each participant brings his/her structure to a central location one at a time, and then one person (e.g., a/the leader) is tasked to ‘connect’ all the structures in some way – getting guidance from participants. This person is wearing gloves.

Chairs – Check this one out and see if it works towards a specific outcome of choice. Consider these questions: What do the people need from the leader? How does the leader take advice from those in the chairs? Can the leader admit when the plan does not work as expected? How do you deal with the mistakes? What does it feel like when you need to ask for help – do you ask for help and how? How do the participants respond (internally) when they don’t agree with the leader’s decisions? (I’d love to find out how this one works while safely distancing!)

Body of Words – I can see this one being done while safely distancing. And, it gives an opportunity for participants to practice leadership behaviors. Idea: Two groups. One closes eyes (while sitting apart). The other has 1 minute to make the work. The ‘leader’ has the word (given by the facilitator) and can only tell group members what to do – move a body part – they cannot say what letters they are making (these participants are safely distanced). After a minute, the other group opens their eyes and is tasked to say the word the bodies are making.

Training Wheels

Training Wheels, run by Michelle Cummings,  is your creative resource for building high-performance teams. We are an experiential-based training organization that works with facilitators, teachers, trainers and teams teaching foundational skills necessary to be successful.  We also have an Online  Store full of experiential activities, books and team building kits.  We are your one-stop shop for experiential programming.

Training Wheels provides Courses, Props, Games, Debriefing Tools, Workshops and Publications

Please Note: A number of the Training Wheels games. props and publications are available from the Outdoors Queensland SHOP

84 Leadership Activities, Building Games, and Exercises

Leadership plays an important role in the workplace as well as other community organizations. Leadership activities are associated with benefits to business, including increased performance and productivity. However, perhaps the sign of a truly successful leader is a happy, healthy workplace. Interested in what leadership activities can do for your workplace or school? Read on.

With these activities, there may be some overlap with activities found under certain headings – for example, activities suitable for adults may also be useful for groups, or with employees.

Source: Positive Psychology


This resource website is dedicated to those team building facilitators who strive to make a difference…one activity at a time.

This site is filled and managed by Dr. Chris Cavert. “Dr. C” promotes pro-social education/social emotional learning through adventure education activity programming.

Through adventurous activities, in and outside of traditional educational settings, we can:

  • Learn more about ourselves and others,
  • Experience how to productively work together to take on challenges, and
  • Realize how to move through this world with more empathy and compassion.

What will you find at this website?


playmeo is the world’s largest online database of group games & activities specifically designed to equip teachers, corporate trainers, camp leaders, youth workers, outdoor educators and many others with outrageously fun and interactive group activities.

Our library features 100’s of activities such as awesome ice-breakers to strengthen new (and old) relationships, simple energizers to wake up a class of sleepy students, innovative problem solving and teamwork exercises, and fun large group activities.

Check out these Free Group Games & Activities and the Playmeo app too!

Campfire Games (for Adults)

Gathering around a campfire after a busy day of outdoor activities is one of the best times of the day. It is a time to relax, reflect, and reconnect with the people and world around you.

While not strictly ‘outdoor education’ these games might just be what you are looking for …



Venture Team Building


Free Team Building Activities, Problem Solving Challenges

Group Activities, Games, Exercises & Initiatives

Fun, educational, adventure activities


12 Awesome Team Building Games Your Team Won’t Hate

“Not another dumb company team building game,” says the displeased employee. Ouch. When this thought crosses your employees’ minds, you can pretty much throw the benefits of team bonding games out the window.

Team building activities and games are supposed to be not only educational, but also enjoyable. They help the team learn about each other — how each person thinks, works, solves problems, and has fun.

To encourage your team learn about one another without hearing a chorus of groans, here are 13 team building games your team will want to play over and over again.


An Epic List of Great Team Building Games

Team building games are a good way to get your team to connect and work together better. Finding the right exercise can be challenging; not every team is comfortable certain types of activities. It is important to choose an activity everyone feels safe doing.

When I Work

Teampedia: Tools for Teams

Teampedia is a collaborative encyclopedia of free team building activities, free icebreakers, teamwork resources, and tools for teams.

Yulunga: Indigenous Games

Traditional Indigenous Games is a selection of games and activities from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies all around Australia.  It provides an opportunity to learn about, appreciate and experience aspects of Indigenous culture.

Full Games Book
Individual Games

Virtual Team Building

As the world was forced to accept a new way of living due to the COVID-19 pandemic – social/physical distancing, limited travel, remote working stronger hygiene protocols and more, so too were the outdoor education and training sectors forced to come up with new and creative ways to deliver training and activities. Check out the links below …

If you have any great training or activity ideas you’d like to share that can be used remotely or in a post COVID-19 world, please email Thank you


Team Building: The Ultimate Guide to Activities, Strategies, and Skill Development

Few ideas have generated as much intrigue among business owners, managers, and HR professionals as team building has in recent years. While it may sound like an excuse to goof off at work, team building activities and exercises are designed to improve employee relationships, increase productivity, and develop a unified, positive company culture. Read More

Source: The Escape Game


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