A collection of resources and links to assist those running campsites, outdoor programs, outdoor education centres or providing associated services.
Australian Camps Association
‘More People Outdoors More Often’
The ‘not-for-profit’ Australian Camps Association (ACA) is the national peak body for camps and associated providers. We strongly believe that participation in supported outdoor experiences through camps and led adventure activities leads to happier and healthier lives.
- ‘Questions to Ask When Choosing a Camp‘ – download here.
- ‘Camp Planning Checklist’ – download here.
- ‘What to Bring to Camp’ list – download here.
- ‘Preparing for Camp with Food Allergies’ – is a guide for parents, schools and camps. It is divided into three comprehensive sections packed with concise and easy-to-understand information on how you can manage food allergy in a camp setting. Download here.
03 9863 6822
Christian Venues
The peak body for over 190 Christian conference, camp, retreat and outdoor activity providers in Australia, totalling more than 24,000 beds and serve over 1,500,000 guests annually.
We exist to maximise the future impact of Christian Venues in their unique mission
(02) 4587 7155
Safety & Risk Management
Bunk Beds
Bunk Bed Safety (Office of Fair Trading)
Bunk Bed Assessment Checklist (Auscamps)
Bunk Beds Safety Advice (Queensland Government)
Bunk Beds (Product Safety Australia)
Download Bunk Bed Safety Flyer
AS/NZS 4220:2010 (Bunk beds and other elevated beds) Standards Australia
Prevention and management of a gastroenteritis outbreak in a camp facility – a manual for camp facilities, schools and community groups
Equipment & Supplies
Camps and Camping Providers in Queensland
Other interesting and useful resources?
Email operations@outdoorsqueensland.com.au with all the details
Disclaimer: Please note that Outdoors Queensland does not endorse the quality of any of the resources listed on this page and will not accept responsibility for any mishaps caused as a result of using them.