Life Membership is the highest honour that Outdoors Queensland can bestow and Life Members will be held in the highest esteem.

Brian Kross
Born: 16 March 1938, Monto, Queensland.
Diploma and Cert IV in TAE
Australian Camping Association – Life Member QLD
Department of Sport & Recreation – Outstanding Achievement: Individual award
QORF Life Membership: 10 March 2011
Joining the Seventh Day Adventist’s Pathfinders Club at a young age saw it become a way of life for Brian Kross who at 78 is close to celebrating fifty years as a club and later district director in the organisation. While his passion has been teaching young people to abseil, he was instrumental in Pathfinders establishing what is now called Adventist Outdoors to ensure appropriate outdoors qualifications and standards for their club leaders. In this capacity he worked closely with QORF in its formative years to advance standards within the outdoors community and was honoured with Life Membership in 2011.
Find out more about Brian below.
“I worked in factory production management all my life. The outdoors stuff was my sideline. I got a Cert IV and a Diploma in Training in Assessment as I could use it both at work and for the outdoors stuff I was involved in.
“Following on from my childhood spent in Pathfinders (the 7th Day Adventist version of Scouts) I have been a leader with that organisation for 47 years. I became a director of Pathfinders in Sandgate(Brisbane) in 1969 and then in 1984 I became one of the northern suburbs district Director for Pathfinders.
“As a church we have three clubs: Adventurers for 6 to 9 year olds; Pathfinders for 10 to 15 year olds; and QWAC (Queensland Wilderness Adventure Club) for 16 to 19 year olds. In this older group you focus on activities that involve water, land and ropes and it is here where I taught and led abseiling adventures for several years. Also, about once a month we would hold week-end expeditions and camps.”
“I’ve been involved with Pathfinders in an executive capacity continuously since 1969. I want to make it to 50 years.
“I was a qualified abseiling instructor with them for many years (had to give it away due to bad arthritis in my hands and disc problems in my back). We used to mainly do abseiling at Kangaroo Point before you could do it commercially.”
“I grew up in a 7th Day Adventist family and since I was a young child, probably around 10, I joined their Pathfinders Club (their equivalent to Scouts.) It has been a way of life for me. I have been involved in the outdoors since then and in 1969 I became a Club director for the first time. My wife, Beverly was the deputy director of the Sandgate Club for many years and our two daughters grew up participating in Pathfinder activities.”
“In 1996 the Seventh Day Adventist church formed NAOATAC – National Adventist Outdoor Activity Training and Accreditation Council. It was formed to develop an outdoor leadership training program that would better equip activity leaders, in response to concerns expressed by the Outdoor Industry in Australia. The council, in consultation with the industry, adopted the concept of Competency Based Training (CBT) and minimum activity packaging. Around this time I got involved with QORF due to my position as Chairperson of NAOATAC.
“Through the creation of NAOATAC anybody who wanted to lead an outdoor activity had to apply to us to approve their qualifications. Our scope covered a number of activities on land, ropes and water and more recently covered risk management as a separate area.
“In 2004 NAOATAC transitioned into Adventist Outdoors (AO).”
“When looking back on QORF at that time I think the value it provided was the promotion of outdoor activity with control and standards around leadership. The organisation helped people understand that if you wanted to run an outdoor activity you needed to have suitable qualifications for the safety of themselves and participants and indeed the wider outdoor community.”
For the protection of the environment and the education of the users.
Hopes for QORF
To continue to represent the outdoor community to government and other relevant bodies.
The next 20 years for QORF
“QORF needs to continue to be involved in risk management and ensuring quality outdoor leaders. There is greater recognition now that when you are on a camp with youth, it is a 24-hour commitment for leaders. How do organisations properly manage this? The focus on the welfare of the kids and those involved in running programs is right and needs to be maintained and supported.”
By continuing to promote the safe use of the outdoors and ensuring that the level of education is current.
QORF’s Motto is Live Life Outdoors. How do you do that?
“Well I’m still involved with Pathfinders in a support capacity but sadly due to health challenges I don’t get to enjoy the outdoors like I used to.”
The Favourites
“Harness, figure 8 and any new abseiling apparatus – because I liked to abseil.”
Abseiling. I used to do it once a week. And when you do leadership training with the Adventists you get to do abseiling, which is what I taught.
Somerset Dam.
Our church has a property out there. We used to go out there quite a lot. Very relaxing spot.
Parting Thought
Enjoy the outdoors but ensure that you have good safety practices and continue to protect the environment.
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