Outdoors Queensland Symposium 2018

In September 2018, QORF hosted the 2018 Outdoors Queensland Symposium.

The 2018 Outdoors Queensland Symposium was held in Brisbane on September 12th, and Cairns on the 14th – a first!

The underlying theme was Stewardship – of the land & water, of our participants & staff and of the sector.

Stewardship: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care

Attendees were inspired by and learned from key influencers and practitioners, in both the outdoors and other sectors, on bringing about personal and global stewardship of people and the planet for long term access to outdoor recreation opportunities.  

Connecting Kids to Country

Check out Connecting Kids to Country, an article by Ngaire Trigg who was inspired to “learn as much as I can so that my own children can learn, respect and be inspired by the wonderful enriching culture right here in our own backyard” after attending the Outdoors Queensland Symposium 2018 in Cairns.

The aim of the Symposium was to generate a discussion about the responsibility we all have:

  • to ‘take care’ of the places we live and the outdoor places we choose to recreate in;
  • to show ‘compassion’ to those we work alongside, and we introduce to the outdoors;
  • to ‘walk the talk’ and to act as role models for others, and
  • to do what we can ensure long term access to outdoor recreation opportunities by encouraging others to make conscious positive decisions and to take responsible actions.

We believe that sharing our experiences, strategies and solutions on how we practice ‘stewardship’ in our lives and through the work we do – what we do, why we do it, the mistakes we have made, and the positive results we have seen; we will encourage discussion, questions, and possibilities for others.

The day started at 08:30 with a Welcome to Country followed by a short address from Hon. Mick de Brenni,  Minister for Housing, Sport and Digital Technology (who is also a keen mountain biker). After the keynote by Prof. Marcia Langton, there were approximately 4 presentation and Q/A sessions before the close at 16:30. Lunch was served. 

The Details

Wednesday, September 12th
Mezzanine Room 4
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Friday, September 14
Joseph Banks Ballroom
Rydges Esplanade Hotel


Our keynote speaker for the event was anthropologist and geographer, Professor Marcia Langton from the University of Melbourne. She works in the areas of political and legal anthropology;  Aboriginal arts and culture; and Indigenous relationships with place, land tenure and legal recognition in Australia.

She has recently published Welcome to Country*, a travel guide to Indigenous Australia. A detailed introduction covers such topics as Indigenous languages and customs, history, native title, art and dance, storytelling, and cultural awareness and etiquette for visitors. This is followed by a directory of Indigenous tourism experiences, organised into state and territory sections, covering galleries and festivals, communities that are open to visitors, tours and performances.


Outdoors Queensland Symposium 2018

Wednesday, September 12th
Mezzanine Room 4
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre 

08:25 | Dom Courtney, QORF

08:30 | Songwoman Maroochy
Welcome to Country

08:45 | Hon. Mick de Brenni
Minster’s Address

09:00 | MC
Theme, purpose & process

09:15 | Prof. Marcia Langton

10:15 | Morning Tea

10:30 | Liz Horne and Mel Brown, SkillsIQ

11:15 | Ben Gall, Australian Heritage Specialists
Cultural Stewardship

12:00 | Phil Reeves, QFSR Skills Alliance
The skills and training landscape of the OR sector

12:30 | Lunch

13:15 | Matthew Townsend, Nature Freedom
Snapshot: An inclusive way to make our environment accessible

13:20 | Katrina Beutel, Redland Kayak Tours
Eco-tourism and Eco-certification

14:00 | Chris Glennie, Surfrider Australia

14:45 | Afternoon Tea

15:15 | Lauren Coventon, UPLOADS
Snapshot: UPLOADS

15:20 | Adam West, Pinnacle Sports
Passchendaele V3 Bouldering Festival

16:00 | Ben O’hara, Spicers Retreats
Protecting our ecosystem now for future generations

16:45 | MC Close


Outdoors Queensland Symposium 2018

Friday, September 14 
Joseph Banks Ballroom 
Rydges Esplanade Hotel

08:25 | Dom Courtney, QORF

08:30 | Gudjugudju
Welcome to Country

08:45 | Michael Healy, MP

09:00 | MC
Theme, purpose & process

09:15 | Prof. Marcia Langton

10:15 | Morning Tea

10:30 | Liz Horne
National Training Package 

11:15 | Ben Gall, Australian Heritage Specialists
Cultural Stewardship

12:00 | Phil Reeves, QFSR Skills Alliance
The skills and training landscape of the OR sector

12:30 | Lunch

13:15 | Madoc Sheehan
Developing Hervey’s Boulders

14:00 | John Rainbird

14:45 | Afternoon Tea

15:20 | Marie Taylor, Reef Magic Education
Reef Education to Sea Country connections: Innovation of co- learning for a sustainable future 

16:00 | Russell Boswell, Savannah Guides
How can Tour Guides be Protectors and Interpreters of their natural and cultural landscapes? 

16:45 | MC Close




Skills IQ, Liz Horne
Australian Heritage Specialists, Ben Gall
Redlands Kayak Tours, Katrina Beutel
Nature Freedom, Matthew Townsend
QFSR Skills Alliance, Phil Reeves
Surfrider Foundation, Chris Glennie
The UPLOADS Project, Lauren Coventon
Pinnacle Sports, Adam West
Spicers Retreats, Ben O’hara


National Training Package, Liz Horne
Australian Heritage Specialists, Ben Gall
Madoc Sheehan
QFSR Skills Alliance, Phil Reeves
John Rainbird
Reef Magic Education, Marie Taylor
Savannah Guides, Russell Boswell

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