Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash
APPS for Outdoors
Adventuring, working or playing in the outdoors? – there is a SmartPhone app for you!
These are a collection we have put together that you may find both useful and/or entertaining.
(please note that Outdoors Queensland has not necessarily tested or used all the apps listed below)
Select a category
myGovID is an easy and secure way to prove who you are online – it’s like the 100 point ID check on your phone.
Set-up once, then use your myGovID to unlock selected government online services when you want and where you want. Your myGovID can be used for personal or business matters, or both. More and more government online services are using myGovID.
The Fair Work Ombudsman’s Record My Hours app makes it easy for workers to record their hours of work and pass on information about their employment.
The app uses smartphone features including Wi-Fi and GPS tracking to automatically record a user’s time at work. It also allows users to manually input shifts or fine-tune an estimated shift for added accuracy. Users can then send the information to their preferred representative if they have a workplace issue.
Go Volunteer
Search Australia’s largest database of volunteering opportunities!
GoVolunteer connects you to thousands of volunteer involving organisations all over the country, and is the ideal tool to help you find the perfect volunteer match. Simply create a profile and let GoVolunteer find roles for you. You can search, express interest, and shortlist opportunities.
Opportunities in your hand!
Simple. Reliable. Secure
WhatsApp Messenger is a FREE messaging app from Facebook available for iPhone and other smartphones. WhatsApp uses your phone’s Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to let you message and call friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, calls, photos, videos, documents, and Voice Messages.
This is an interesting and useful collection of apps from the Queensland Government – Crime Stoppers, Emergency, SES, Rego Check, Graffiti Stop, Daily Physical Activity and many more.
Top 50 Apps
Nature, bushwalking, astronomy, weather, photography – it’s all here, a list of top smartphone and tablet apps.
Best Apps for Australian Hiking
I recently found myself sorting through and tidying up my apps and realised I needed a whole folder just for hiking apps. There are some I use more than others, but here’s my collection of best apps for Australian hiking… ahem, I mean bushwalking.
VicHealth ratings guide shows which health and wellbeing apps work best
Physical activity apps that reward you for exercising and mindfulness apps that support users struggling with anxiety and depression are among the top rated apps in the VicHealth 2016 Healthy Living Apps Guide.
Independent researchers and experts from Deakin University have reviewed more than 300 health and wellbeing smartphone apps and provided star ratings based on user-friendliness and potential for behaviour change.
How And Why To Take Your Smartphone Camping
No other device packs a camera, a stereo, video recording, GPS navigation and guidebooks into such a small, conveniently carried package.
Recommend an App!
Come across any useful apps for the outdoors?
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