An emergency survival kit is an essential!

Survival Kit

Emergency agencies recommend having a kit ready with items that will help you survive and recover from a disaster.

You should keep your kit in a handy location, in a container or bag that’s big enough to add extra items when you’re responding to a specific disaster.

Some basic items to include:

  • Battery-powered, wind-up or solar-powered radio
  • Waterproof torch
  • Spare batteries for all devices
  • First aid kit and guide book
  • Toiletries including soap, handwash gels, alcohol wipes, toilet paper, tissues, toothpaste and sanitary items
  • Cash and a phone card
  • Woollen blankets
  • Candles with waterproof matches or glow sticks
  • Drinking water (consider having 10 litres per person to last three days)
  • Dried and long-life food to last three days, include a can opener and utensils
  • Waterproof bags for valuable items and documents
  • Copies of essential documents such as prescriptions and insurance details or a USB stick with scanned copies
  • Your written bushfire, cyclone, flood or emergency survival plan, including contact numbers of family or neighbours
  • Items of protective clothing suitable for likely emergencies in your area such as long-sleeved natural-fibre shirts for bushfire areas, protective footwear or rubber boots in flood areas.

If you need to relocate, include:

  • Prescription medications
  • Toiletries and a change of clothes
  • Mobile phone charger
  • ATM cards and credit cards
  • Important documents or valuables including passports, wills, photos, jewellery, insurance papers or mementoes

Don’t forget people with special needs in your family:

  • Mobility aids
  • Nappies and supplies for infants
  • Encourage children to pack their favourite toy, colouring books, pens and pencils, cards or board games
  • Items to keep your pets comfortable including a leash, basket, travelling cage and a familiar toy

ABC Emergency


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