Confused about what all those letters stand for?
An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word.
(Cambridge Dictionary)
The following lists might help!
Outdoor Acronyms
Acronym | Translation |
AAS | Adventure Activity Standards |
AAAS | Australian Adventure Activity Standard |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
AC | Australian Canoeing |
ACA | Australian Camps Association |
ACAQ | Australian Climbing Association of Queensland |
ACIA | Australian Climbing Instructors Association |
ACTOEA | ACT Outdoor Education Association |
ANZSIC | Australia & New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification |
AQFC | Australian Qualifications Framework Council |
ARC | Active Recreation Centre/s |
ATHRA | Australian Trail Horse Riders Association |
BCC | Brisbane City Council |
BCU | British Canoe uniob |
BWQ | Bushwalking Queensland |
CSH | Community Services and Health |
CVA | Christian Venues Association |
CVI | Christian Venues International |
DETE | Dept of Education, Training and Employment |
DLGP | Dept of Local Government & Planning |
DoC | Dept of Communities, Child Safety and Disbility Services |
DoE | Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme |
DPC | Dept of Premier and Cabinet |
DSDIP | Dept of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning |
DTMR | Dept of Transport and Main Roads |
EQ | Education Queensland |
FNQ | Far North Queensland |
GCCC | Gold Coast City Council |
IAC | Industry Advisory Council |
IBSA | Innovation and Business Skills Australia |
IMBA | International Mountain Bicycling Association |
ISC | Industry Skills Council |
JAG | Justice & Attorney General |
LGA | Local Government Authority |
LGAQ | Local Government Association of Queensland |
LNT | Leave No Trace |
MBRC | Moreton Bay Regional Council |
MSQ | Maritime Safety Queensland |
MTBA | Mountain Bike Australia |
NCVER | National Centre for Vocational Education Research |
NGO | Non-governmental organisation |
NOLRS | National Outdoor Leader Registration Scheme |
NOSS | National Outdoor Sector Survey |
NPAQ | National Parks Association of Queensland |
NPQLD | Nature Play QLD |
NPSR | Dept of National Parks, Sport and Racing |
NRM | Natural Resource Management |
NSSC | National Skills Standards Council |
OBA | Outward Bound Australia |
OCA | Outdoor Council of Australia |
OEA | Outdoor Education Australia |
OEAQ | Outdoor Educators’ Association of Queensland |
OEASA | Outdoor Educators’ Association South Australia |
OEG | Outdoor Education Group |
OR | Outdoor Recreation |
ORC | Outdoor Recreation Centre (Victoria) |
ORF | Outdoor Recreation Forum |
ORIC | Outdoor Recreation Industry Council (NSW) |
OV | Outdoors Victoria |
OWA | Outdoors Western Australia |
OYPRA | The Outdoor Youth Programs Research Alliance |
PA | Project Adventure |
PACI | Professional Association of Climbing Instructors |
PCYC | Police Citizens Youth Club |
PLA | Parks and Leisure Australia |
PLAQ | Parks and Leisure Australia Queensland |
QBWA | Queensland Bulk Water Authority |
QC | Queensland Canoeing |
QDF | Quality Declaration Framework |
QFRSSA | Queensland Fitness, Recreation & Sport Skills Alliance |
QH | Queensland Health |
QHTWG | Queensland Horse Trail Working Group |
QORF | Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation Inc |
QPWS | Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service |
QSA | Queensland Studies Authority |
RecSA | Recreation South Australia |
RLOSAC | Regional Landscape Open Space Advisory Committee |
RPL | Recognition of Prior Learning |
RTO | Registered Training Organisation |
S&R | Search & Rescue |
SA | Skills Alliance (QFSR Skills Alliance) |
SAQ | Skills Alliance Queensland |
SCORS | Standing Committee on Recreation & Sport |
SCRC | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
SEQ | South East Queensland |
SRS | Sport & Recreation Services |
SSA | Service Skills Australia |
SSQ | Skilling Solutions Queensland |
TAFE | Technical and Further Education |
TNIT | Tropical North Institute of TAFE |
TOETA | Tasmanian Outdoor Education Teachers Association |
TQ | Toursim Queensland |
TRAQ | Trail Running Association of Queensland |
UPLOADS | Understanding and Preventing Led Outdoor Accidents Data System |
VET | Vocational Education and Training |
VOEA | Victorian Outdoor Education Association |
WH&S | Workplace Health & Safety |
WWF | World Wildlife Fund |
Acronym | Translation |
AWOL | Absent without leave |
BASE | Building, Antenna, Span, Earth (as in BASE Jumping) |
CLAP | Communication, Line of Sight, Avoidance, Position (of max. usefulness) |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FIGJAM | F__K I’m good, Just ask me! |
FUBAR | F___ed Up Beyond All Recognition |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GROW | Goal, Reality (current), Options, Way forward |
MTB | Mountain bike |
PLB | Personal Locator Beacon |
PB | Personal Best |
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