Sarah Haskmann
Microadventures – “small, achievable outdoor adventures for normal people with real lives”
(Alistair Humphreys)
What is a microadventure?
Adventure is a loose word that means different things to different people. It is a state of mind, a spirit of trying something new and leaving your comfort zone. Adventure is about enthusiasm, ambition, open-mindedness and curiosity. If this is true, then ‘adventure’ is not only crossing deserts and climbing mountains; adventure can be found everywhere, every day, and it is up to us to seek it out.
Alistair Humphries
The term microadventure was made common by British adventurer and author Alastair Humphreys and is defined as an overnight outdoor adventure that is “small and achievable, for normal people with real lives”. The New York Times described a microadventure as “short, perspective-shifting bursts of travel closer to home, inspiring followers to pitch a tent in nearby woods, explore their city by moonlight, or hold a family slumber party in the backyard.”
The concept is flexible enough in its definition to allow the individual to choose the location, duration, and overall scope of the adventure. Microadventures are generally considered affordable in that little to no specialized gear is required, travel costs are trivial or nonexistent, and only a minimal amount of provisions are needed for the outing. Often participants will sleep out under the stars using a bivvy bag, rather than a tent, and wild swims are actively encouraged. Microadventures have proved popular with people whose lives are busy with work and/or family commitments.
Microadventure – an introduction. Alistair Humphries

Yellow Pinch Lookout Packs a Punch
Mt Barney National Park (QLD)
About a 15-20 minute uphill walk from the Yellow Pinch carpark, you’ll arrive at the top of the 391m Yellow Pinch lookout and if the clouds are behaving, be greeted with an incredible view of Mt Barney’s East Face.
Source: We are Explorers

Hat Trick
Glasshouse Mountains Hat Trick
Tibrogargan, Beerwah followed by
Ngungun after coffee.
Source: Mark Squires

On the rocks!
Noosa Main Beach to Hells Gate
and on to Alexandria Bay
A coasteering day out with a
mate in Noosa National Park.
Source: Mark Squires

Around Cooroora
A bush bashing, rock scrambling, log
jumping circumnavigation of Mt
Cooroora at Pomona, Queensland.
Source: Mark Squires

Beau Miles – Australian ‘doer’
Being offbeat speaks volumes about how Beau goes about life and represents himself to the world, believing wholeheartedly that we’re all weird. With a PhD in Outdoor Education, a string of successful short films under his belt, Beau’s exploits are funny, authentic and insightful.

The Beautiful Struggle
You can never beat the mountains.
And they would not care even if you could.
That’s why I love them …
Alistair Humphreys
See the opportunities for adventures, not the constraints that get in the way
- How Adventure & Purpose Collide (Alistair Humphries interview)
- The 7 Step Solution to a Microadventure
- The Microadventure Kit List
- Why you should embrace the 'microadventure'
- 31 Adventure Ideas That Anyone Can Do (Cool of the Wild)
- Microadventures on Facebook
- Microadventures Blog (Alistair Humphries)
- Think Small: Alastair Humphreys at TEDxOxbridge
- Why You Need To Go On A Microadventure
Sometimes all you need is to climb a simple hill, to spend time staring at an empty horizon, to jump into a cold river or sleep under the stars, or perhaps share a whisky at a small country inn in order to remind yourself what matters most to you in life.

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