
Tourism & Events Queensland

Canoeing – kneeling or sitting facing forward in an open or closed-decked canoe, to propel yourself with a single-bladed paddle.

Canoeing is an activity which involves paddling a canoe in which you kneel or sit facing forward in an open or closed-decked canoe, and propel yourself with a single-bladed paddle. Common meanings of the term are limited to when the canoeing is the central purpose of the activity. Broader meanings include when it is combined with other activities such as canoe camping, or where canoeing is merely a transportation method used to accomplish other activities. Most present-day canoeing is done as or as a part of a sport or recreational activity.

(adapted from Wikipedia Australia)


There is magic in the feel of a paddle and the movement of a canoe, a magic compounded of distance, adventure, solitude and peace

Sigurd F. Olson.

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An introduction to paddling kayaks, canoes and SOT’s



Top 5 Health Benefits of Canoeing and Kayaking

Kayaking is a beautiful way to escape those overcrowded gyms. After a while, you will also see that you can exercise your spiritual and mental side as well as you’re physical. Not only is kayaking (and canoeing) a fantastic solo sport, but it’s also great to do it with partners or friends and make it a social event which helps to build a sense of community between you all.

Nature Sport Central

The Ultimate Guide to Canoeing

So, you want to try one of the oldest water-borne activities but don’t know one end of a canoe from the other? We talk to canoe expert Travis Frenay to find out where to start.

Canoeing has been around for thousands of years and, other than the materials they’re made from, modern boats are not all that dissimilar in design to the vessels originally used by indigenous populations the world over.

These days, a traditional canoe is called a C-boat, or a Canadian, and it has an open-top design, unlike a K-boat (a kayak) which has a covered top. Most canoes are around five metres (17 feet) in length and are paddled by one or two canoeists, each with a single-blade paddle.

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Source: Australian Geographic

The way of a canoe is the way of the wilderness, and of a freedom almost forgotten.

Sigurd F. Olson


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