Outdoors Queensland is the peak body for the outdoors and outdoor activities in Queensland, and affirms the value of outdoor activity in all its various forms. We encourage all people to get outdoors and into outdoor activity.
Formerly known as QORF, the Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation, the organisation was formed in 1996 as a not-for-profit association representing a coalition of outdoor recreation groups to advocate on behalf of the industry.
A key reason for establishing QORF / Outdoors Queensland was to assist communication between different user groups and levels of government on outdoor recreation-related issues. Outdoors Queensland represents the diversity of opinions across the outdoor recreation sector on any issue, and does not, in most cases, seek to achieve consensus. Outdoors Queensland provides opportunities for outdoor recreation users at all levels to share ideas, discuss issues, network, influence policy and promote outdoor recreation.
Our tagline is Live Life Outdoors: A life lived in the outdoors makes you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled; and in Queensland we have amazing places to get outdoors and wonderful outdoor activities to enjoy.
Meaningful Connections
Positioning Statement
“Meaningful ‘connections’ are made by experiences in the outdoors”
Meaning of ‘connection’
- Connection to self
- Connection to well-being
- Connection to family/friends
- Connection to community
- Connection to nature/land/Country/culture
- Connection to change-makers
- Connection to Industry/business owners
Outdoors Queensland helps create, develop, and promote these connections.
We believe that the connections we make in the world around us and to those in it, influences/ contributes to the quality of our lives. Everyone should have the chance to connect with all that is around us regardless of time, place, age, race, culture, experience, and limitations.
We advocate to give a voice and a platform to all of those who want to join, lead, or change these connections for the better – including industry, our members and everyone across Queensland. We believe that anyone can be and should be part of the outdoors.
Knowing what we know about ‘switching off’ and giving back to ourselves, we can’t stand by and watch the residents of Queensland burn out and lose their connection to the amazing outdoor places and spaces that Queensland has to offer. Taking a break and allowing ourselves to truly connect to the outdoors enables us to rejuvenate our mind and body to better manage the world we live in.
Outdoors Queensland has the knowledge to be the trusted voice and advocate for outdoor activities. We work directly with a diverse group of people, businesses, and organisations who, like us, advocate for the benefits of being outdoors. Together, we can make the change to incorporate the outdoors as part of everyone’s everyday life.
We want to help change the lives of every single Queenslander – whether they are an avid rock climber, the owner of a pony club, or someone who hikes on the weekend. We represent each and every one and give them a voice and a platform to amplify their message for the outdoors.
Vision, Mission and Values
Our Vision
The world we want to create:
A world where everyone can enjoy the health and well-being benefits of Queensland’s outdoors.
Our Mission
The outcome we are striving for:
That ALL people have the opportunities to make connections with Queensland’s outdoors.
We believe that the connections we make in the world around us and to those in it, influences and contributes to the quality of our lives. Everyone should have the chance to connect with all that is around us regardless of time, place, age, race, culture, experience, and limitations.
Our Values
Explore – the unknown
Courage – take on daunting challenges
Connect – communities in the outdoors
Trust – credibility and integrity
Unite – empowering outdoor organisations
Outdoors Queensland’s primary purpose is to raise the profile of the outdoors in Queensland, and the capacity and opportunity for more people to participate in outdoor activities. Live Life Outdoors, our logo tag line perfectly encapsulates our primary purpose .
The key role for Outdoors Queensland is to represent the views and needs of the outdoor community with the primary objectives being :
- To represent the views and needs of the outdoor community to other industries and all levels of government.
- To facilitate communication between stakeholders within the outdoor community and external interest groups.
- To raise awareness of the value and benefits of participation in outdoor activities.
- To develop strategies and actions on key issues affecting participation in outdoor activities.
- To encourage and facilitate protection of the full diversity of outdoor recreation settings.
- To identify and communicate the needs of the outdoor community and facilitate access to natural resources that meet those needs.
- To encourage planning and management for ecologically sustainable outdoor activities.
- To promote safety and quality experiences within the outdoor community.
- To encourage organisational development to enhance the delivery of services that are appropriate, equitable and of a high standard.
- To promote best practice in the standard and quality of leadership and instruction through the support of quality training; and
- To promote Outdoors Queensland and its objectives.
Reconciliation Action Plan
The Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), the first step on our reconciliation journey enables Outdoors Queensland to deepen its understanding of its sphere of influence and the unique contribution it can make to lead progress across the five dimensions of reconciliation: race relations; equality and equity; institutional integrity; unity; and historical acceptance. Getting this first step right ensures the sustainability of our future RAPs and reconciliation initiatives, and provides meaningful impact for the part we play in Australia’s reconciliation journey.
Outdoors Queensland partners with a number of organisations to deliver a variety of initiatives and programs across Queensland.
CLICK to learn more about the following amazing organisations we are privileged to work with.
Outdoors Queensland is run by small team of staff members consisting of a full-time Executive Officer, 3 full-time staff members and 2 part time Project Officers. Additional project staff are employed as required.
Outdoors Queensland is a limited liability company administered by the Board which consists of seven members; two elected by the members, two representatives of Ordinary Members elected by the members and three appointed by ordinary resolution of the Directors.
Annual General Meeting
The Outdoors Queensland Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held on the second Wednesday in March. The Agenda includes a review of the previous AGM Minutes, officer reports, financial audit report (and election), Board member election and general business.
Make a Bequest
By leaving a bequest in your will to Outdoors Queensland, you will continue to support the outdoors, the environment and outdoor recreation far into the future. Your support will help ensure that generations of Queenslanders to come will be able to get outside and enjoy the benefits of a healthy outdoor lifestyle. Learn More