Ben Blanche
New article from 50 Campfires
According to a recent study, 40 million US adults currently suffer from anxiety. That’s almost 15 percent of the adult population. With this many people suffering from anxiety, it’s no surprise that many are turning to the great outdoors as a source of relief.
So, can camping help anxiety? Yes, and we’re about to talk about how camping can boost your serotonin levels, expose you to plenty of fresh air, and get you away from modern life and technology, which can trigger anxiety attacks.
All of this is assuming that camping itself doesn’t make you anxious. If it does, maybe you’ll be less anxious after learning about how good camping can be for your mental health.
Source: 50 Campfires

“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my sense put in order.”
John Burroughs
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