Outdoor Blog. Photographer: Miranda Fittock

We are very aware that many people in our community write some awesome blogs on the outdoors and adventure activities – we’d like to help you get more exposure, more readers and be better known. So, we have started this Outdoor Blog page – a place for your blogs and your stories with links back to your website or your own blog.

Do you have a blog or story you’d like to share? Send it in by Sharing your Blog or Story

Photographer: Miranda Fittock

See also Podcasts & Blogs

Why Being in Nature is Essential for Your Mental and Physical Wellbeing

All you need is a tree or a refreshing breeze, and all your worries will… poof! Be gone! So why not hug a tree the next time you walk past it?
No, Andrew, I didn’t mean it literally.

Well, you must have heard:

“The Earth laughs in flowers.”  and  “Where the flowers bloom, so does hope.”

Sounds familiar, right? If yes, then why do you keep running against the direction of flowers (health)? You know, nature is the ultimate health hack, but still, you choose to spend dollars on all the health fads that promise nothing but an empty wallet.

So, unless Angeline Jolie plans to adopt you next, stop wasting fortunes on useless ‘Become happy’ fads, and listen up! Connecting to nature seems to be more predictive of mental and physical well-being than all those fake wellness trends, so why not try it?

Trust me, your mind and body will thank you for the great outdoors, the green stuff, the fresh air, and everything that bleeds serenity. Even a single tree can do a lot to relieve stress and anxiety.

Allow me to further enlighten you on how mother nature remains a mama even in this modern world of technology. Read on to find out why taking a dip, talking to the animals, stargazing, or going birdwatching is important.

Importance of Nature for Mental and Physical Well-being

Nature is not just ‘nice to have’ or a pretty backdrop for our lives, as it can also play an important role in promoting eudaimonic well-being. The term eudaimonia is a Greek term that refers to fulfillment, happiness, and living a purposeful life.

Can’t you relate to it? Do you spend so much time staring at a screen that you lose track of time? According to the 2019 Nielson Total Audience Report, Americans devote almost 11 hours to screen time, which is not healthy at all. People with more screen time mostly complain about living an aimless life.

Do you want to feel a sense of purpose, own a healthy mind and body, want to become happy? Allow me to unveil the wonders of nature and explain how it stands out as an important factor for a healthy life.

Being in nature allows you to disconnect from the constant stimulation of the modern world and reconnect with the natural world. Doing so dramatically decreases the stress hormone cortisol and increases the feel-good serotonin.

It gives birth to a sense of awe in you that can inspire you to think about the bigger picture. I mean, standing on a green hill in front of a vast mountain range or gazing at the starry sky doesn’t bring stress but makes you forget about the office work, the bills, and the issues of boring modern life.

It also creates a sense of connection and adds meaning to your life that you failed to find in your day-to-day existence. It also promotes sense of purpose in you. Then you start giving less importance to temporary worldly things. That is the moment when you realize that life is short, and YOLO!

Believe me, when I say I unintentionally smile whenever I take a stroll by the woods in a mindful way instead of walking mindlessly. Practicing mindfulness proved a life changer for me.

My story is that I started embracing whatever was happening around me instead of ignoring it. If it was raining and the clouds mesmerized me, I’d paint them (the urge to paint them made me discover a painter in me).

Do you see? Nature can promote personal growth and self-discovery. It allows you to spend time in quiet reflection and help yourself grow and learn more about yourself and others as well.

How Nature can Improve Mental and Physical health

There is potential evidence from dozens and dozens of studies that nature is important and it can heal and stimulate healthy physical and mental well-being. Let’s get straight to the facts that are collected from different research and studies:

  • Nature makes you less brooding
  • Nature heals
  • Nature reduces issues like stress, fear, and anger
  • People with an affinity towards nature tend to be happier
  • Nature can improve mood, health, and cognition
  • Nature connectedness lowers the crime rate in society

According to a study led by Mathew White of the University of Exeter, people who tend to spend two hours per week in green spaces (either all at once or in multiple visits) were noticed to be in greater physical and mental health than those who don’t.

This study of 20,000 people reports that every week at least 120 minutes long connection with nature should be maintained, and it sure is a realistic target.

Another similar study by Miles et al. emphasized engagement with nature through small activities. According to them, it is as simple as smelling a flower or giving a reaction to nature when it is windy by grabbing a chair and enjoying the weather.

Some studies also state that being in nature reduces feelings of being alone and lifts the mood to a better state. It not only reduces stress levels but also freshens up cognitive resources.

Some researchers are also of the view that the need to connect with nature is innate. Their hypotheses argue that our ancestors evolved in the wild and relied on nature a lot for their survival, which created and transferred in us a drive to connect with mother nature.

Benefits of Being in Nature for Mental Health

Let’s see what the solid benefits of nature therapy concerning mental health are:

  • Reduction of stress and anxiety

Mental health issues like depression, stress, anxiety, and negative emotions can be fixed with ecotherapy. Ecotherapy requires you to expose yourself to natural and urban environments if you want to deal with stress hormones.

In one study, it was reported that about 95% of individuals said they noticed improvements in their mood after spending time outdoors. Their mental state shifted from being depressed and stressed to balanced and positive.

  • Improvement in mood and self-esteem

You can literally boost your mood by just staring at the stars or by spending time in natural environments.

That is why people with greener neighborhoods tend to show a reduced risk of psychiatric disorders like eating and mood disorders.

In a study by Zelenski et al., researchers found that elementary school students showed more social interactions and positive emotions after a trip to a nature school with green infrastructure than to a museum.

  • Boost in cognitive function and creativity

Since we are talking about mental health benefits, let me mention some cognitive benefits that you get by spending time in nature. Do you desire healthy cognitive development? Or do you want to regulate your emotions because it sucks to fail at them?

If yes, let me tell you that people observe a positive boost in their cognitive functioning if they regularly walk down urban environments.

Some researchers believe that exposure to natural environments boosts memory and attentional control. However, being exposed to urban vicinities results in attention deficit.

It is further supported by the attention restoration theory, which states that people who visit nature often show less chance of developing attention deficit disorder.

Benefits of Being in Nature for Physical Health

Let’s explore some physical benefits that you can achieve by developing a bond with nature:

  • Improved cardiovascular health

Numerous studies out there prove that natural surroundings can minimize the risk of heart attacks, lower blood pressure, and improve the overall functioning of the cardiovascular system.

  • Strengthened immune system

Who doesn’t want a Hercules immune system? We all do. Just so you know, interacting with nature can also greatly strengthen your immunity. Trust me; it will give a crazy boost to the production of natural killer cells.

  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases

According to many studies and research, there are healthy chances that bonding with nature can reduce the risks of chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and other deadly diseases.

Connection between Nature and Human Evolution

Long story short, the relationship between the two is complex and multifaceted. Many experts believe that our interaction with our natural world has shaped our evolution as species. And so our survival is in maintaining a healthy bond with the environment.

You know, humans have always been connected to nature for food, shelter, and survival. As human beings, we cannot separate ourselves from mother nature. We need it, it takes care of us, and we depend on it.

Ways to Incorporate Nature into Daily Life

As I mentioned earlier, it is as easy as talking to the animals or tasting jam pennies mindfully; let’s explore some of the easiest ways of connecting with nature:

  • Dive in: Just take a dip into a nearby ocean, lake, or river, and cool off your mind on hot summer days for psychological well-being.
  • Walk, Hike, or Ski: Take a stroll through a park or nature reserve or hike a hiking trail. It will not only prove beneficial for the body physically, but it will also give you a chance to appreciate the beauty of green and blue spaces. Another terrific idea is to hit snowy terrains and nail those ski slopes.
  • Visit a local farm: Just grab a taxi or drive yourself to a nearby farm and learn where your food comes from and how you get to eat it and appreciate the hard work of farmers as well. I mean, can you afford to die without witnessing the making of delicious cheese and bread?
  • Go stargazing: Just find a perfect spot away from city lights, lay down the blanket, and look up the stars to appreciate the vastness of the universe.
  • Birdwatching: By taking up birdwatching, you get to learn about different species of birds, their habits, their living styles, and behavioral patterns. This is another relaxing way of connecting with nature.
  • Gardening: Start taking care of your environment by planting trees. You know, the calls for saving nature have immensely increased.


Our evolution as human beings is intricately tied to the natural environment. We cannot go against what we immensely depend on. So, for good human health, developing a healthy bond with the natural environment is mandatory.

You cannot win by going against nature. So better feed your soul through adequate exposure to nature.

In this article, you learned about how nature empowers us with the motivation to carry on, never stop, and never give up. What are its mental health outcomes, and how it fights poor mental health?

So, let’s take baby steps and increase our green space exposure and natural environment experiences. It will not only benefit us personally but also benefit our society as a whole.

Extreme Nomads


Knots are vital to camp craft & creativity. It’s interesting to learn how many people these days have forgotten how to tie a useful knot. It takes time, patience and practice learning knots. But once you practice them, they help to save so much time, effort and hassle. Knots have the ability to create new possibilities.

A Selection of Knots (click to read/download)

All the knots and diagrams are from a handy and affordable pocketbook. The Pocket Guide to Essential Knots by Peter Owen can be ordered from the Outdoors Queensland Shop.

The Pocket Guide to Essential Knots will show you how to tie 21 key knots for everyday use: for home, work, hobby and play activities, indoors and outdoors.

This small handy pocket book does not pretend to be a knot encyclopaedia, nor does it contain any knot-tying jargon or technical terms. It just contains easy to follow step-by-step tying instructions and possible uses for a handful of very useful and practical knots that should cope with most situations the average person will encounter.

Many people know how to tie one or two knots, not always correctly! This book is designed to give you a few more options. By helping you choose the right knot for the job and tie it correctly, this book hopefully will make life run just a little bit more smoothly.

A Selection of Knots
Author: Peter Owen
Publisher: Merlin Unwin Books Ltd

About the Author:

Peter Owen is an award-winning illustrator and graphic designer and has worked for an impressive list of international clients, including Coca Cola, Nestlé, Guinness, Disney and McDonald’s. He has also written and illustrated over twenty published books on a variety of subjects including the graphic arts and outdoor pursuits. He is married with three children and lives in the Cotswolds.

Photo by Alberto Casetta, Unsplash

Helpful Resources for Families

For the past year or so, you may have struggled to keep your children entertained while self-isolating due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If your family is eager to get out of the house, these resources will help you plan for activities that you can easily enjoy while practicing good social distancing and staying safe.

Getting Ready for Outdoor Fun

Before you start planning outdoor adventures for your family, you’ll need to stock up on gear and brainstorm ideas!

  • Make a checklist of all the gear your kids might need for nature excursions.
  • Create a budget for gear shopping and find creative ways to save.
  • Research age-appropriate outdoor activities for your kids, along with ways to enhance their experiences outside.

 Explore Your Local Area

 You don’t have to go far for natural beauty. Stay close to home and experience the best your region has to offer!

  • Observe local wildlife from the best viewing areas near you.
  • Feel like your kids could benefit from more exercise? Go bushwalking along a local trail with the help of this Outdoors Queensland guide.
  • Consider volunteering at a local community garden so that your kids can gain their green thumbs.

 Make the Most of Your Backyard

 Not quite ready to venture beyond your property yet? There are plenty of great activities that your family can do right in your backyard.

  • If you invest in a telescope, you can teach your kids to stargaze on your own property.
  • Use objects you already have around the house to create an outdoor obstacle course.
  • Teach your kids about the weather and keep them amazed with storm-spotting activities.

 Plan a Camping Trip

If your family needs a weekend away from home, consider packing up and going camping for a few days.

  • Pack tasty foods that your kids like — just make sure your meals won’t require intensive cooking.
  • This helpful guide to camping with kids will help you prepare in advance for possible issues that arise while you’re in the wilderness.
  • Find family-friend campgrounds in Queensland.

As life gradually begins to feel normal again, it’s important that we all continue social distancing and taking other safety precautions so that we do not erase our progress toward eliminating the virus. However, it is entirely possible to enjoy certain outdoor attractions with your family while protecting them from contracting COVID-19. With these resources, you’ll be able to introduce some variety into your usual routines!

Daniel Sherwin
Dad Solo


Photo by Lochlainn Riordan on Unsplash

Here are Some Great Gift Ideas for the Traveler or Outdoors Lover in Your Life

You’re looking for the perfect gift for a friend who loves travel and the outdoors. You want to make sure she’s delighted but you’re unsure what will fit the bill. Sound like your conundrum? If so, then relax and read on. Outdoors Queensland shares some great ideas to inspire you.

Travel Socks

This may sound like an odd gift, but ask yourself: What can ruin a trip quicker than anything? Walking around all day with wet, cold feet, of course. The best way to help your friend avoid this problem is to present her with a few pairs of high performance socks. They’re perfect for anyone who spends lots of time on her feet. Each pair is made from light yet strong materials, is easy to wash and dry, and provides as much (or as little) cushioning as your pal needs, depending on the type you select. She’ll love you for thinking of such a useful gift.

First Aid Kit

Nobody plans to have a mishap, but should one occur while your friend is hiking or traveling, having one of these great products within easy reach could make all the difference in the world for how her trip turns out. These kits range from simple grab-and-go choices to deluxe models for taking care of serious emergencies.

Camping/Backpacking Stove

Hikers and campers enjoy a hot meal as much as anyone. That’s why these handy products are so welcome on outdoor trips, according to Australian Hiker. Lighter, more compact models are best for backpackers, while larger units are more suited to people who prefer car camping.

Travel Irons

Imagine getting ready for a business meeting or dinner at a nice restaurant and having nothing to wear but wrinkled clothes. At such times a travel iron is a real lifesaver.  While many hotels provide irons and ironing boards these days, others don’t, making one of these compact products a thoughtful gift for any traveler.

Wireless Charger

These days almost everyone, even devoted hikers, carries a smartphone and/or tablet while adventuring. These are great devices to have on hand, except, of course, when the battery dies. What traveler or outdoors lover couldn’t use a wireless power bank? Your recipient can charge the product prior to her trip and have spare juice on hand whenever she needs it.

Framed Maps of Parks and Trails

Hikers and campers love to have mementos of special trips. Just ask anyone who has walked the Fraser Island Great Walk or weeks navigating the Bibbulmum Track. A framed map of the place they hiked or camped is a great way to say “good job” to your active, adventurous friend. While store-bought frames may fit many maps, this is one occasion when you might want to seek the help of a custom frame shop.


Readers are never at a loss for something to do as long as they have a good book to occupy their minds. Yet printed copies are often bulky, while many people find that reading on tablets and smartphones bothers their eyes. Black and white e-reading devices use special technology that emulates the qualities of the printed page while weighing almost nothing. Consider one of these products for your book-loving friend.

They say that life is a journey with countless roads to explore. For some of us, those pathways lead dirt down trails or to destinations far from home. Does your friend count herself among those wandering souls? If so, then consider one of the recommended gifts above and watch her face light up. There’s no better way to wish her safe travels during her journeys.

Jonathan Warner

An Insurance Consideration Guide for Outdoor Activity Providers

Many of the Organised Activities undertaken in the Outdoors of Queensland, will require insurance at some level.

Firstly, it should be noted that there is no substitute for complying with good risk management in your business and following the Australian Adventure Activity Standard and utilizing the Good Practice Guides in context relevant to your activity. This will go a long way towards protecting you and your business from unexpected consequences. However, unintended events sometimes do occur and there are possible consequences of people becoming injured whether that be your participants, your staff or you as the owners of the business all face these potential risks.

After all the risk management processes have been implemented, the next step of protecting yourself and your business will include consideration of the insurance covers available to provide security for you and your business.

Depending on your activities, there may be several insurances you should consider:

  1. Liability Insurance – Personal Injury & Property Damage.
    Most business will be required to initiate this cover to be allowed to utilise Local Government facilities, State Government owned Nature Reserves and National Parks areas. Many private land owners will also require this be in place and ordinarily for all of the above situations a Certificate of Currency will need to be provided prior to entry being granted.If you utilise sub-contractors, there may be coverage/exclusions, premium and excess consequences to be aware of.
  1. Workers Compensation – Protecting your Employees
    If you have staff (whether employed or regularly sub-contracted), you will have a responsibility to provide Workers Compensation for them.  In Qld this is ONLY provided by WorkCover Queensland and you can access their guided application processes here: https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/claims-and-insurance/workcover-insurance/types-of-insurance/accident-insurance
  1. Income Protection – In Queensland, Directors/Beneficial Owners of a business can’t take out WorkCover for themselves. What happens to your income and your business if you are injured or ill and can’t continue to generate your income? There are several levels of cover available to consider.
  2. Voluntary Workers – if you have people assisting in your business that are not under any contract of employment, what happens to their income if they are injured whilst assisting your business?
  3. Professional Indemnity – If your business is providing advice/training or other services where people are paying for your advice, you may have an exposure to Professional Indemnity. Not all businesses will have this, and it should be discussed with Your Insurance Broker to determine if you have a risk to consider.
  4. Portable Equipment – if you have a reasonable amount of equipment for your business, you may need to consider the risk of that equipment being damaged or stolen from a locked premises or vehicle. Most Domestic Contents insurance policies won’t extend to cover items for which you use to generate income and ordinarily don’t provide further cover away from the premises.

This simple guide has been provided by Tim Ferris, from Your Insurance Broker who are financial members of Outdoors Queensland. There may be additional specific insurance requirements for your own business, and these can be addressed when assessing your needs.

Their contact details can be found herein to provide any necessary assistance in arranging appropriate insurance covers.

The young professional’s guide to mental health while remote working and career planning

Remote working has unique challenges that are different from working in an office. Adapting as a young professional can be taxing, so how do you manage it?

2020 was an unprecedented year for most young professionals. Many hopefuls successfully graduated and found themselves with great opportunities to climb the career ladder at the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, their lives were taken for a spin once the COVID-19 pandemic hit. National lockdowns forced businesses to adopt remote workflows, effectively turning homes into workplaces.

Remote working is perhaps the biggest concern for young professionals these days. While it initially sounded great to work from home as the world weathered the pandemic, the reality was a lot harsher than we could’ve imagined. Remote working forced us into unhealthy habits, it damaged our mental health, and it limited the potential of many young workers that had only just joined their industries. This isn’t true for everyone of course, but it’s how the vast majority of young remote workers were feeling throughout 2020.

But that didn’t stop them from chasing success.

Young professionals are a hungry breed of employee that will stop at nothing to climb the career ladder and obtain success. Unfortunately, this hard-working nature is a double-edged sword that can end their career if they’re not careful. Overworking yourself in a remote environment can create many unhealthy habits, eventually leading to poor mental health and a feeling that you’ve hit a roadblock in your career. With few companies hiring, young professionals have found themselves trapped in their home offices by the COVID-19 virus.

So in this guide, we’re going to talk about the importance of looking after your wellbeing while remote working. We’re going to focus on young professionals and how they can progress their careers despite all of the challenges that come with remote working.

Why remote working is on the rise as a result of the pandemic

Globally, COVID-19 has over 91.4 million cases with just over 1.9 million confirmed deaths as of writing. This is a strong case for initiating lockdowns across the world in order to prevent the spread of the virus. By closing non-essential businesses and limiting travel options, lockdowns hope to slow down the spread of the virus while still maintaining the economy. In order to do this, many people need to switch to remote working positions with help from cloud-based workflows and other online-based systems.

This is the main reason why remote working is on the rise; it’s a countermeasure against lockdowns that prevent employees from coming to work. However, it’s also in the best interests of the business itself. Nobody wants their employees to get sick and being unable to work, so keeping them safe at home where they can still be productive is usually the best course of action.

It’s estimated that around 56% of the U.S. workforce currently has a job that is compatible, even if partially, with remote working. However, we also know that only 3.6% of the employee workforce actually practices this. Data from 2016 shows that 43% of the workforce does work from home at least some of the time, but this data was well before the lockdowns began.

With current data, it’s estimated that up to 30% of the workforce could be working from home by the end of 2021. This is due to a combination of factors:

  • Businesses are starting to realize that work-from-home employees can be just as effective if given the right tools.
  • It lowers operating costs since a smaller office can be used to run the business.
  • More people are starting to overcome the challenges of working from home as they get accustomed to it.
  • Reduced employee commuting means a lower carbon footprint for everyone.
  • It opens up more recruitment opportunities across the world.

There are certainly benefits for both employees and employers when it comes to remote working, but it’s also surprisingly taxing on our mental health.

Why does remote working take a toll on our mental health?

Working from home has many psychological effects that a lot of people simply weren’t prepared for. This is something that freelancers and existing remote working employees had to cope with even before the pandemic, but it’s only recently coming to light due to the huge influx of remote working employees now.

Here are some of the most common problems that remote workers face when it comes to their mental health:

  • Pressure to work extra hours or hours that they’re not accustomed to.
  • Difficulties unplugging from work due to it being accessible on their computer or laptop.
  • Loneliness due to a lack of colleagues to speak to in-person.
  • Isolation due to being stuck at home because of lockdowns.
  • Stress due to a lack of time management skills that are required when working from home.
  • Depression caused by a lack of tangible career progress.

That last point is particularly important because depression can have far-reaching effects. The symptoms of depression can include bursts of anger, anxiety, agitation, increased cravings for food, or even unexplained physical problems like headaches and back pain. If you notice any of these symptoms when you work from home, then there’s a possibility that remote working has caused you to develop depression.

Thankfully, your mental health doesn’t have to suffer as a result of working from home as long as you take the right approach.

Addressing the challenges of remote working as an employee

Taking care of your mental health when working from home is important. Few people realize that burnout is a real medical condition that can easily affect people that work from home. In fact, 82% of remote working professionals said they experienced some kind of burnout while working from home, 52% of remote employees said they ended up working longer hours compared to when they were working in the office, and another 40% said they felt pressured to perform better and contribute more.

This shows that there are real consequences to working from home, especially if you’re not prepared. If it’s your first time working remotely, then it’s important to listen to advice from remote working professionals in order to take better care of your mental health. Here are some practical tips for young professionals to take better care of their mental health when working from home.

  • Stick to a schedule. Although 40% of remote workers say that a flexible schedule is one of the biggest benefits of working from home, not sticking to a schedule can actually be detrimental. Having a predictable schedule is much easier on your mental health and ensures that you only work the hours you’re supposed to.
  • Schedule regular breaks. It can be easy to forget to take a break because you’re more comfortable in a home environment. Make sure you schedule breaks now and then to ensure that you don’t overwork yourself. Give yourself some time to relax between work sessions.
  • Create a comfortable work environment. A comfortable work environment will help you stay focused and relaxed. Make sure you have a great chair that is comfortable, ensure your desk is organized and has plenty of storage, and make sure your computer or laptop is at a height that is comfortable to use.
  • Remove distractions. Distractions can prolong your work hours and make it hard to stay focused.
  • Consider co-working spaces as an option. Some people find that co-working spaces encourage them to be more productive. It’s also a good option if you find it hard to avoid distractions at home, but of course bear in mind the lockdown situation in your area.
  • Understand your limits. Working at home is no excuse to push yourself further than you normally would. Make sure you understand your limits and stick to a schedule so you avoid overworking yourself.
  • Unplug from your work–literally. It’s important to unplug yourself from work if you find yourself staying up late to do last-minute things. Try literally unplugging by turning off your laptop and ignoring any calls or messages to your work phone.
  • Don’t forget to communicate and engage. Despite feeling isolated at home, it’s a good idea to remember that you can still communicate and engage with people in order to further your career and be productive. Use messaging programs, video calls, and regular calls to stay in touch with colleagues and communicate effectively with senior managers.

It’s difficult to determine the best course of action to take if working remotely is mentally taxing for you. Everyone has their own problems, so it’s important to identify the issues that concern you the most so that you can deal with them step by step.

Addressing the challenges of remote working as an employer

A young professional doesn’t need to be an employee. “Young professional” can also be used to describe a line manager or even a young entrepreneur. If you’re in a leadership position in charge of multiple employees, then you also have a responsibility to look out for your team and their mental wellbeing.

A survey carried out by FlexJobs showed that around 40% of people have experienced burnout that is related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, around 37% of employed respondents said they were working longer hours than usual due to complications and unfamiliarity when working from home. As an employer or manager, it’s important that you look out for the wellbeing of your staff and seek ways to improve their remote working experience. This can help them stay productive, healthy to ultimately boost your business.

  • Make mental wellbeing a priority. Far too many businesses overlook the importance of mental wellbeing in the workplace. This makes it even less likely that companies will be paying attention to mental wellbeing now that employees work from home. Burnout is a real issue that affects many workers around the world, so it’s important to make mental wellbeing a priority instead of an afterthought. Be proactive about your approach to mental wellbeing and you’ll find that your employees will be happier, more productive, and more likely to continue working with your company.
  • Establish new channels of communication. Hearing from your employees is important, especially if they’re relatively new to remote working and the flexibility that it can offer. Stay in touch with employees by opening new channels of communication such as instant messaging with services like Slack, or check in on a weekly basis by emailing all of your team to give them an update on your projects and expectations. These channels should be used freely by encouraging your staff to come to you with any questions, concerns, or even if they have a lack of direction.
  • Consider individual needs. The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented complication for businesses. As a result, there are likely going to be many unique circumstances that arise as a result of it. For example, parents may need to spend more time at home tutoring their children and preparing them for exams, or they might need extra help with home responsibilities and commitments. As such, you should always consider the individual needs of your staff and adjust accordingly but within reason.

Taking care of your employees is difficult, especially during these challenging times with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, you can minimize the impact it has on your business by taking care of your team and keeping their mental wellbeing in mind.

The COVID-19 pandemic is certainly having a massive impact on American mental health and wellbeing. It’s more important than ever before to consider your mental health as you work from home, especially if you’re concerned about personal commitments or even planning ahead with your career choices. COVID-19 has pulled the brakes on many of our careers, and the psychological damage it’s caused is immeasurable.

But with the right approach, it’s possible to stay positive, productive, and look ahead to the future in regards to your career. Whether you’re a young professional taking up their first management role or an employee hungry to climb the career ladder, balancing your wellbeing with your work responsibilities is the key to staying healthy both physically and mentally.

Paul Brewer
Digital Relations Consultant
The Sixth Degree Media



Advice for beginners picking out their first bushwalking footwear.

Hiking Legs

As 2020 draws to a close, Queenslanders are breathing a collective sigh of relief. With many of us being in lockdown and having to social distance, we missed out on a lot of time with family, friends and colleagues. However, one bright spot to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic is the fact that many of us took to the great outdoors when times were tough. With her excellent views and endless opportunities for social distancing, Mother Nature became a source of solace for many people. As a result, we have plenty of new bushwalkers set to join in the fun in the coming year.

Being in touch with nature is wonderful and walking offers numerous benefits. However, it’s also of the utmost importance to ensure you’re equipped with the proper gear to keep yourself safe and comfortable. On that note, let’s take a closer look at the best advice for beginners picking out their first bushwalking footwear.

Why Do You Need Proper Shoes For Bushwalking?

You need proper shoes for almost any activity—basketball, tennis, running; you name it! Bushwalking is no different. Proper shoes will ensure your feet and legs are protected as you embark on your journey.

The rigid sole of bushwalking shoes is quite thick. This helps to prevent injury to your feet, knees and ankles as you cross rugged terrain with a backpack. Proper bushwalking shoes evenly distribute your weight and the weight of your bag, making for a safer, steadier, more comfortable walk.

Bushwalking shoes are also designed to protect your feet while letting them breathe, and keep bugs, insects, and small, sharp rocks out. They lace up well above your ankles and create a barrier against external elements. This is especially important if you’re walking in areas where there are snakes or spiders, as they won’t have easy access to your feet. It also means you can tuck your pants into the top of them for added protection, which is something you can’t easily do with trail running shoes.

Plus, purpose-designed bushwalking shoes are far more durable than regular footwear, so they’ll last significantly longer outdoors than regular trainers or sneakers.

The Differences Between Trail Shoes And Hiking Boots

There’s a great debate about the differences between trail shoes and hiking boots. However, the main differences between the two can be summarised into the following points:

  • Hiking boots have thick lugs that can gain traction in soil and a variety of other surfaces. Trail shoes offer minimal traction but grip on the fly. However, they won’t have the same level of traction that hiking boots have when moving at a slower pace.
  • Hiking boots offer foot and ankle protection when bushwalking. Trail shoes are lightweight to ensure a fast pace can be maintained for longer mileage.
  • Trail shoes are designed to be versatile for several uses, whereas hiking boots are heavier, and specifically designed to slough off mud, water and snow.
  • If you’re bushwalking in a colder climate, hiking boots are more practical as they keep your feet warmer. However, if you’re in a warmer climate, trail shoes make for a cooler option.

Why Fit And Support Is Important

When it comes to bushwalking, blisters are the enemy, as are injuries. Therefore, the fit of your shoes and the support they provide is incredibly important. These factors need to be considered, as they go a long way towards helping you complete several hours of adventure. Your bushwalking shoes should fit snugly and not rub, and should keep your feet in place with every step. If your footwear doesn’t tick these boxes, you’re likely to have a painful and unpleasant hiking experience.

Wearing trail shoes or hiking boots that are comfortable, fit properly, and support your feet will prevent blisters and calluses, and reduce the chances of twisted ankles and torn ligaments. Fit and support in your footwear is important, as these factors can protect your joints by offering adequate shock absorption when you’re navigating tricky terrain. Without shock absorption, you risk sustaining serious injury to your knees and ankles. Just like proper cushioning in running shoes offers added protection for the feet and legs, the shock absorption properties of hiking boots do the same on rough terrain.

While all the above is to be considered, everybody is different, so there are no steadfast rules on fit and support. Some walkers prefer a more roomy fit and wear an extra pair of hiking socks, while others prefer a tight fit that doesn’t allow for any give. Just make sure whatever bushwalking footwear you choose fits properly and provides the necessary support.

Terrain Considerations

Again, when it comes to picking the best bushwalking footwear, there are no hard rules. Instead, it’s about finding the shoes that work best for you, and keep you safe and comfortable. Similarly, when buying bushwalking footwear, you need to consider the terrain you’re most likely to traverse.

Consider the following factors:

  • Will your feet get wet?
  • Will you need protection from plants and bugs?
  • Do you prefer a slower hike with plenty of ups and downhills?
  • Do you prefer fast-paced hikes with easy-going surfaces that can be quickly navigated?

The answers to these terrain-related questions will go a long way in helping you find the right footwear. If you require a sturdy shoe with thick protection because you’re likely to find yourself in rugged terrain, pick a hiking boot over a trail shoe. However, if you prefer fast-paced hikes with an easier faster to navigate surface, then a good pair of trail shoes is probably better suited for you.

Finding the best bushwalking footwear doesn’t have to be a difficult or daunting task. All you need to do is carefully consider where, when, and what you’re walking on, and what the different fit of each pair of shoes offers.

Whatever your choice of footwear, it will be a good investment if it suits the bushwalking adventures you’ve got your eye on. Over time, you’ll amass plenty of wonderful memories exploring the great outdoors—without the blisters, and with minimal insect bites!

Bushwalking Footwear, author Megan Howard
Megan P Howard

Megan started her writing career specializing in educational copy in the fitness industry, covering a wide range of topics and is an editor for Find My Footwear. When she’s not writing, you can find her hiking the outdoors or signing up to run a 5K.


Running is one of the most popular athletic activities for both fitness and fun. Although it can be challenging and exhausting, men and women run every day for a variety of reasons. Some of the most significant benefits of the sport are health-related. Improving heart health is one of the biggest motivators for people who choose to start running. Many people also begin a training program to lose weight and better their mental health.

When people discover that they have a heart issue such as high blood pressure, doctors often recommend running to help alleviate the condition. The activity makes the arteries expand and contract, which keeps them elastic and lowers blood pressure, among many other benefits.

Running is more potent in creating positive results when there is day to day consistency. Training should build up gradually—depending on an individual’s fitness level—to ensure desired results.

It’s possible to lower blood pressure in as little as a few weeks with a consistent running routine. An individual’s resting pulse will also lower as one begins to run more. Many people prefer running over medications to treat their heart issues because it is a natural way to become healthier.

Running is a recommendation for both men and women who need to lose weight as it burns calories quickly and efficiently compared to many other athletic activities. It also curbs appetite, burns fat, and helps create lean muscle with a healthy diet.

When people notice themselves becoming more fit as a result of running, it can boost their mood and self-esteem which are immensely helpful for individuals struggling with depression.

Running can help people relax comfortably in their downtime, establish better sleep patterns, and feel more energized in doing daily activities.

Furthermore, it is an excellent method for treating addiction because it can serve as a medium for people to escape their troubles and release stress in a healthy way. People can also make new friends by joining a running club in their community.

There are tremendous benefits to running, and it can be a fun and rewarding activity for everyone.

The following links can provide more helpful information on the health benefits of running:

Benefits of Running for Women:
This essay describes how running is helpful for women from a scientific perspective.

7 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity:
The Mayo Clinic outlines how exercise such as running is healthy.

Put Those Shoes On: Running Won’t Kill Your Knees:
NPR looks at how running affects knee health.

Running Improves Health, Benefits Others:
Lacing up to run provides social benefits as well as health benefits.

Running and Jogging: Health Benefits:
Regular running or jogging can do a lot to improve your health according to this page.

Barefoot Running: Does it prevent injuries?:
Barefoot running may benefit certain individuals, but it does not prevent or reduce injury rates in runners.

Sarah Gerhrke
Pacific Medical Training

Changes to National Outdoor Leadership Registration Scheme

NOLRS to go!

The Board of the Outdoor Council of Australia (OCA) has recently undertaken a review of the National Outdoor Leadership Registration Scheme (NOLRS). The decision has been taken to phase out NOLRS.

There are currently a number of registrants awaiting renewal of their NOLRS registration, as well as new applicants who require registration under NOLRS as a pre-requisite for outdoor education activities in which they are employed or engaged. To allow for these, the NOLRS phase will take place over the next ten months, ending in June 2021. A summary of the phase out timeline and other details is below:

  • NOLRS is relevant as an award until 30 June 2021;
  • New registrations will be processed up until 29 June 2021 and expire on expiring on 30 June 2021;

N.B. any new applications received up to and including 29 June 2021 will be processed at a charge of one-third of the regular 3-year fee (this applies whether the new registration is for 12 months, 6 months, 3 months etc.);

  • ALL current registrations due to expire between the date of this letter and BEFORE the NOLRS phase out will be extended to 30 June 2021 – no fees and no re-assessment will be required;
  • All current registrations expiring AFTER the NOLRS phase out require no immediate action, however NOLRS will no longer be relevant after 30 June 2021.

Whilst the OCA has no immediate plans to develop a replacement for NOLRS, we are committed to the accreditation of outdoor leaders and would be willing to enter into discussions with other organisations who may be interested in developing an alternative registration scheme for the outdoor sector.

The Outdoor Council of Australia

At this time where COVID-19 is wreaking havoc in other states of Australia particularly Victoria, we are blessed to be located in Queensland. It’s times like this where we can truly appreciate the freedom and privilege of enjoying the great outdoors we have right here.

If you are wanting to spend more time outside or you’re looking for more physical activity to improve your health while social-distancing, consider kayaking.

We may not be in lockdown right now however, there’s still the risk that restrictions may be tightened if cases increase so taking up an outdoor activity that can be done at a healthy distance may be a wise choice right now.

We are fortunate to have some of the most beautiful waterways in the country and the climate to enjoy them all year.

Kayaking is growing in popularity in Queensland and for a good reason; as an aerobic and low-impact activity, it offers a plethora of health benefits. Here are just a few.

1.    Stress Relief

2020 has been a stressful year for many and it’s not over yet. If you need to take some time and relax, being outdoors is a great option. We all can benefit by making a little space for Zen in our lives. Kayaking allows you to activate your muscles, enjoy beautiful nature, and listen to the relaxing sound of water. There’s no better way to forget about the stresses of life.

2.    Improved Mental Health

In addition to offering stress relief, kayaking may also improve your overall mental health. All types of aerobic activities, like cycling, hiking, and kayaking, trigger the release of chemicals in the brain which act as mood boosters. Being in peaceful surroundings will help you forget about your problems and free yourself from pessimistic thoughts.

3.    Weight Loss

Did you know that you can burn about 400 kcal an hour when paddling at 8 kilometres per hour? This means that spending a single afternoon kayaking could help you burn around 1,600 kcal! Although this calorie-burn count may not be as high as in other more intense activities (like swimming or running), kayaking makes up for this with duration. Most people can’t run for more than an hour, but kayakers often paddle for hours on end.

4.    Great Torso Workout

When kayaking, you’re activating every muscle of your shoulders, back, and arms. Kayakers do approximately 300 strokes a kilometre. It goes without saying that this will have a positive effect on your upper body’s strength and appearance.

5.    Excellent for Toning the Legs

You’re probably wondering how kayaking can be good for your legs when you’re only activating your upper body muscles. Well, this isn’t entirely true. Legs are very important during kayaking because they help you secure, maneuver, and balance the kayak by applying pressure. You’ll loosen and tighten your legs lots of times while trying to navigate the kayak and this will result in stronger and more toned leg muscles.

6.    Strengthens the Core Muscles

Your core muscles are some of the most important muscles in the body. Better known as abdominal muscles or simply abs, they’re in charge of keeping your body straight. One of the upsides of kayaking is that strengthens these muscles. Turning your torso from side to side while paddling and turning the kayak – all this is done thanks to the abdominal muscles.

7.    Improves Heart Health

Like other aerobic activities, kayaking contributes to better cardiovascular health. Being the only muscle in the body that works non-stop, the heart needs exercise to get stronger. Paddling a kayak is a great way to increase the heart rate so it’s strengthened.

8.    Great Source of Vitamin D

Food alone isn’t sufficient for us to get the necessary dosage of vitamin D; in fact, we get 80% of vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D has a number of health benefits, including:

  • Better health of bones and teeth.
  • Support for the brain, nervous system, and the immune system.
  • Regulation of insulin levels and facilitation of diabetes management.
  • Support for the lung function and better heart health.

Many of us are fortunate to live in coastal bliss where kayaking is a fantastic opportunity for our community. Spending time outside while kayaking will increase your intake of vitamin D and contribute to better overall health so why not start today?

Julie Scott
Angel Content

For more info on kayaking in Queensland, go to:



Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

Nature-deficit disorder might not be a medically diagnosable condition, but that doesn’t make it any less real. The term, coined by Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, describes what happens to children when they become disconnected from the natural world. With so many indoor and screen-based activities to choose from, it’s easy to see how nature-deficit disorder became a phenomenon. Luckily, it’s also easy to fix by incorporating more outdoor activities into your family’s life. Find out how below.

Inspiring a Love of Nature

If your kids don’t jump at the idea of playing outside, you might feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle. These tips can help your kids get more excited about the outdoors.

  • Read books about the outdoors whenever you have the opportunity.
  • Tell your kids about your own encounters with nature by sharing your stories.
  • Choosing activities based on your kids’ ages can make outdoor play more fun.
  • Technology might be the culprit, but there are also apps that encourage outdoor play.

Venturing Out

Getting your kids to take an interest in nature is often the hard part, but luckily, finding ways to enjoy the great outdoors is easy. Traveling is one of the best ways to get immersed in nature whether you stay in town or go to a far-off destination. Here are a few ideas for nature-based adventures.

  • Rather than heading to a tourist destination, plan a trip to one of Queensland’s national parks.
  • Plan to camp on your next trip instead of staying in a hotel.
  • Getting bikes is one of the best ways to see nature from a new perspective.
  • Canoeing also offers unique views and experiences that you can’t get elsewhere.

Playing Close to Home

Going on an extravagant adventure is sure to leave your kids with lasting memories, but you can also have meaningful experiences right in your backyard.

  • Build outdoor toys and games to encourage your kids to play in the backyard.
  • Plant a garden or do outdoor science experiments to make the backyard educational.
  • Make pressed flowers or crayon rubbings for hands-on fun.
  • Learn how to identify eucalypts and other native plants in the backyard.
  • Get a telescope so you can explore the night sky together.

Nature-deficit disorder is something to be concerned about as a parent. Fortunately, there are countless ways to counteract it. Encouraging your kids to play outside, whether it’s at home or on a family adventure, will help them form a lifelong love of nature.

Jonathan Warner

See also Nature Play QLD


Waste management is an essential part of our lives in terms of keeping our homes, offices, industries, and surroundings clean. It also helps us adhere to the standards of hygiene and health. In our individual lives, de-cluttering our stuff every once in a while allows us to keep things in order. In the longer run, it truly enables one to completely safeguard against significant diseases and specific health conditions, such as those related to the skin.

Talk about contagious diseases; waste management is typically in the spotlight due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The impacts of COVID-19 rapidly felt in every part of the globe and practically every fragment of our lives. The world is fighting an arguably unprecedented war against the virus and is in a race against time to save precious lives. The pandemic has reminded us to dispose of our waste carefully and responsibly to avoid the spread of diseases.

In this article, we will understand how vital waste management is and how does it relate to the ongoing situation. So, let’s find out.

The first aspect is how well the public disposes of the waste to prevent the possibility of another outbreak. We know that overall hygiene is critical in avoiding diseases and dealing with several health conditions. The same standard applies to the current situation and requires that we adhere to the highest standards. If the garbage is not removed or recycled on time, it could accumulate and could cause a major issue. The contamination of air and water are some of the problems related to improper waste management.

It is also important to raise awareness for efficient waste management. Countries around the world and urban authorities should run campaigns to encourage a workable approach to deal with the problem. Countries like Australia, any littering outside the house, could hinder the efforts of the companies striving to ensure rubbish removal in Sydney. Remember, only an overall hygienic environment can ensure that there are no lapses and that everyone has a safe air to breathe. Besides the authorities, masses need to rule out all shortcomings.

The importance of waste disposal in this scenario has especially highlighted by the United Nations (UN). According to the global body’s report, waste management is an ‘essential public service’ in the current circumstances.

The second significant aspect in terms of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is the disposal of medical waste. Nowadays, doctors, paramedical staff, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners have been dealing mostly with virus-related cases. They have been using gloves, testing material, and safety gear to remain safe while treating the patients. Remember that this is not just any disposal because it carries a high risk of the spread of the Coronavirus. Equally proportionate disposal of waste to guarantee public safety is imperative at this time.

It is crucial to evolve and adopt appropriate and standardized standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the removal of the garbage. We need to make uncompromising that no one at hospitals or elsewhere comes in contact with the used gloves and other safety gear until the danger is over. According to the preliminary details, the virus may remain alive on a surface until a few hours or even days.

Similarly, the waste generated during the critical research to develop the vaccines should also discard appropriately. Authorities must make sure that researchers and other experts associated with the study are fully knowledgeable about disposing of the waste.

Moreover, the UN fears that the potential mixing of medical waste with household waste could spell a disaster. It has urged upon the authorities to accurately identify, classify different sorts of waste to keep them separated. Only doing so can ensure that the infection may not spread further, and the masses remain safe at large. Thus, the public needs to take care of this factor, too.

Effective waste management is critical during the lockdown, as a few factors can aggravate the issue. Since large populations, including office goers and children, are confined in their homes, the quantity of waste bound to increase. This notion is right in the sense that people around the world shopped in panic and stored edible items in abundance. It can give rise to excessive littering. Irresponsible disposal of waste could fast spread a health condition to everyone inside a home or a temporary shelter.

Therefore, people around the world need to dispose of all sorts of waste in designated places. If the pace of waste disposal is not fast enough, it can create a huge issue.

The fact is that improper discarding of garbage always causes diseases, requiring medical treatment. However, hospitals around the world overloaded in terms of dealing with Coronavirus infections. Therefore, visiting a hospital to remedy an issue is not safe in the current situation. Firstly, it is unhealthy for those visiting, and secondly, it might undermine the quarantine arrangements. From a broader perspective, it can cause the condition of an infected patient to deteriorate and become worse.

Therefore, it is crucial to pay particular attentiveness to waste disposal and minimize hospital visits. In other words, going outside your house could defy the entire purpose of the lockdown and undermine the efforts of the authorities.

Waste management is immensely crucial in maintaining perfect hygiene and contributing to a healthy environment. Adopting a proactive approach to discarding the garbage keeps your surroundings clean and saves you from all seen and unseen diseases and viruses. The virus outbreak is a stark and sharp reminder that we need to keep our planet safe from all sorts of contamination and pollution. Such a strategy is crucial to contain viruses and avert the spread of all air and waterborne diseases. The world needs to adopt a viable and workable approach to dispose of medical and other waste efficiently. Only such a strategy can ensure that we leave a safer planet for future generations.

Carla Adams
Carla is an enthusiastic dreamer and a workaholic to achieve that. She is a passionate writer, basketball player, researcher, and a Team Leader. She has contributed to many reputed blogs and is constantly on the lookout to reach authoritative blogs around.
For all the updates follow her on Twitter @CaCarlaadams

What Outdoor Education Teaches Us About Coping Through a Pandemic

Outward Bound Solo


Like many other people, as the news continues to emerge about the current pandemic, I’m beginning to view it as one of the most important challenges of my life. Words like unprecedented and crisis dominate the headlines of my newsfeed as I settle into a new reality of physical distancing, unemployment and uncertainty about my future.

I’m an Outward Bound Instructor. This identity permeates every detail of my life; I’m not an Instructor only when I’m in the field with my students. Rather, I approach every event, challenge and opportunity like it’s an Outward Bound course. With plenty of time to reflect recently, I’ve come to realize that the lessons I’ve learned over my years with Outward Bound have prepared me to face this challenge the same way I face the rapids, summit attempts and long days in the backcountry during a course. Since its inception in the United States in 1961, the mountains, rivers and trails have been the teacher for tens of thousands of Outward Bound Instructors and students who finish their course, ready to implore these new learnings in their lives back home.

The ultimate purpose of outdoor education is to prepare us and give us the tools to solve future problems. In the field, we intentionally put ourselves into stressful and difficult physical and social experiences so that, in the future, we’re aware of what it takes to thrive in adversity. Below are some of the more important lessons I’ve learned in the field and how I’m applying them to my life now.

The most up-to-date information about the pandemic leaves us with more questions than answers. There’s a tremendous amount of uncertainty in our lives, and we don’t know how long the world will be like this. One solution to this challenge is simple patience. Follow the advice of health professionals and the government, and practice physical distancing. Since this isn’t how we normally live, it won’t come easy. We will be uncomfortable at times. However, sticking to some regular habits and searching for a type of normalcy will make this unfamiliar trail feel like home.

A major part of an Outward Bound course is what we call Solo. It lasts anywhere from a few hours to a few days, but usually means that students are alone, without their usual comforts, and are restricted to a small space in the backcountry. In a way, the entire country is on an unplanned Solo right now. Ask any Outward Bound alumni about their Solo experience and they’ll tell you that patience is an important part of completing the process.

Remember that you are capable of more than you know. Staying at home and being patient is one of the best things you can do right now, even if it seems like the hardest thing to do.

Our friends, family and neighbors need us now more than ever. In the field, when somebody’s backpack is too heavy, the group takes things out of that person’s pack to lighten their load. When an Outward Bound crew goes rafting, the only way they make it safely to the bottom of the rapid is through teamwork and trusting one another. We need to remember that we’re all in this together. Now’s the time to lean on our loved ones and ask for help.

This past week, a friend volunteered to bring over some toilet paper, and another friend delivered us some flour so we could bake bread. While the interactions with our community will certainly be much different, it doesn’t mean that community doesn’t exist. In times of crisis, we all need help and it’ll be much easier if we solve this problem together.

Above All, Compassion
Now’s the time for unity, compromise and coming together. We need to approach every decision in our day through the lens of compassion and understanding. On a course this past summer, we had planned and trained for a peak attempt of Middle Sister in Central Oregon. The day we were supposed to go for the summit, we woke up to sub-freezing temperatures, 40 mph winds and snow blowing across our faces. Instead of being upset about our situation, the group came together to make some hot drinks, pack efficiently and safely negotiate the terrain to the valley. In times of struggle, our true character is revealed. Our crew looked out for one another and put the higher purpose of safety far above their personal needs and desires. Will we lend a hand to our neighbor? Will we make sacrifices of changing our daily routine in an effort to keep others safe? If you’re at the store and are contemplating taking the last box of pasta off the shelf, ask yourself if you really need it. If you practice daily acts of compassion, you’ll be proud of your decisions.

Executive Director of the Northwest Outward Bound School, Marc Heisterkamp, put it best in a recent email to staff when he said,

“This is the course we’ve been preparing for.”

Those words stuck with me. It’s the same advice that I would give my former students and peers, and it’s the same pep talk that I give myself.

Collectively and individually, we have the strength, knowledge and ability to conquer this crisis in a safe and compassionate way. Our everyday decisions will make a huge difference in our lives and the lives of others. I encourage you all to dig a little deeper to find some patience, embrace your community, and, above all, support one another through compassion. See you at the bottom of the rapid.

Nick McEachern
Outward Bound USA


In 2019, Jump Up For Kids made the decision to more closely align two parts of our business – our clinic based Occupational Therapy (OT) services and our outdoor play programs. Whilst we have always had a joint vision and mission statement, we felt like we were running two different businesses with two models of care. So we moved our Occupational Therapy clinic to Bald Hills, where we have run our outdoor play programs for the past five years. This gave us full time access to our amazing outdoor space, with hills to climb and slide or billy cart down, enormous trees to climb and hang tire swings, large grassy flats where you can build cubbies, slip n slide and run, a range of wildlife (including our resident 2.5m carpet snake, Sebastian) and access to the ever changing Pine River.

There were lots of plans and preparations, including writing some pretty inspiring mission statements and policy documents like:

Jump Up For Kids exists to support the healthy development of children in our busy and complex world. Jump Up For Kids combines expert knowledge of the demands of the modern world, the education system and child development to provide a service that advocates and promotes a common sense approach to raising children in the modern world.


Jump Up For Kids upholds the belief that a connection to nature is a necessity not a luxury. Therefore we are increasingly using the outdoors, particularly natural spaces, as a therapeutic tool. By combining natural spaces with Occupational Therapy knowledge we aim to counteract aspects of the modern world that hinder the healthy development of children.


At Jump Up For Kids, we promote that natural spaces support healthy development by providing:

  • enormous variability which:
    • provides infinite opportunities to assess and manage risk
    • affords opportunities to practice, master and extend skills at the ‘just right’ level
    • encourages skills to be applied in a range of contexts and settings
    • provides opportunities to learn about natural cycles and variations – seasons, day/night, temperature variation
  • the ultimate multi-sensory experience
  • health promoting properties (eg: increases Vitamin D levels, boosts the immune system)
  • a reduction in stress and anxiety
  • an understanding and appreciation of the world in which we live.

And to top it off, we’re based in sunny Queensland, “beautiful one day, perfect the next”, so what could go wrong?

Puddle Jumper

The plan was that we would conduct all therapy sessions outdoors, but we would also need to set up an indoor office as we needed somewhere to store equipment, write reports and other administrative tasks and have appointments when there is hail and lightning.

The 13 January 2020 saw the arrival of our mobile office, all of our equipment and a whole lot of rain. We gave ourselves a week to set up before our first OT appointment…furniture installed, equipment organised in cupboards, toilet facilities sorted, outdoor furniture for our ‘waiting room’ delivered, alternative routes to our outdoor space (for those not wanting to rappel or slide down a hill) established, therapy backpacks stocked to help us transport equipment up and down the hill, lolly jar filled, electricity to office connected, clients of our service contacted to remind them of the move, etc….it was busy week! At the end of the week we felt just about ready for business, but nature (the very same nature that we sing the praises of pretty much every day of our lives) had other plans.

January saw 165.6mm of much needed rain fall in Bald Hills (January average: 81.5mm), with 70.2mm falling on 18 January, just two days before our first family visited for our highly anticipated outdoor OT session. Whilst this rain was so very needed, it created some significant logistical challenges for the Jump Up For Kids crew:

  • An enormous puddle (aka Lake Jump Up) formed right in front of our front deck and after a couple of days it stank
  • The car park closest to our ‘clinic’ became a giant puddle forcing clients and staff to park about 500m further to get to our office
  • Path to the toilets (across a sports field) became a swamp requiring full wet weather wear to access
  • All access points to our outdoor space became muddy, slippery and/or gigantic puddles
  • Mosquitoes swarmed and seemed to be particularly drawn to the black of the Jump Up For Kids polo shirts
  • Grass grew and grew and grew and the ground was too wet to mow resulting in increased risk management measures related to snakes and families having to walk through puddles and knee high grass to get to our ‘clinic’.

So after just one month of outdoor OT our heads were spinning. It was a month of new procedures and problem solving. Here’s a quick snapshot of of some of the solutions that have worked:

  • Having clothing and accessories available in a range or sizes, to suit all weather conditions – gumboots, rain jackets, hats, sunscreen, insect repellent, towels
  • Meeting families at their cars and incorporating activities that address OT goals into the trek from the carpark (stomping, jumping over puddles, looking for insects etc)
  • Having wagons available to transport children to toilets, from car, to the creek if their endurance &/or sensory tolerances made the walk challenging
  • Working with the weather – if it’s windy, make kites or find items that will blow along the ground; if it’s rainy, jump in puddles or find a path around the puddles, make mud, watch raindrops roll; if it’s hot visit the creek, make a bucket shower
  • Being clear about OT goals for each child and employing on the spot, flexible clinical decision making (helps to work with weather whilst maintaining effectiveness of OT session)
  • Talking and smiling with EVERYONE…our team, parents, children, landlords, landscape staff, electrician…being willing to listen to and share concerns and work together with everyone to find solutions that meet everyone’s needs
  • Stop apologising – yes the puddle stank, yes everyone left wet, muddy, grassy &/or hot but nearly everyone left happy. What we knew through research was unfolding before our eyes.

I suspect you’re reading and thinking “this all sounds like a lot of work with not much reward so I think we’ll stay where we are”, but keep reading because this is the bit that I hope will challenge your current practices and make you think about getting outdoors more.


We are commencing work with Australian Catholic University to research the benefits in a more rigorous and systematic way. But for now, here are some initial, anecdotal observations that suggest the use of nature as a therapeutic tool is positive and powerful.

  • A seven year old who avoids playground equipment at school due to difficulties with balance, mastered climbing up and down the hill during a therapy session (tentatively at first and then with great gusto). His mum reported he started climbing on the fort at school and across the wobbly bridge
  • A four year old who cries and has been described as ‘oppositional’ at school because he refuses to use messy substances like paint and glue. He looked at the mud on a rainy day and said “I don’t like mud and I’m not allowed to get dirty.” He left with a mud stripe on each hand after his first session and returned the following session with his “OT shoes”/gumboots and was stomping in the mud and mixing the mud with shaving cream
  • A twelve year old who came to OT sessions in our inside clinic room last year during which she sat with her hair over her face grunting in response to questions and refusing all activities. During her first outdoor OT session she proudly went down the hill without assistance and then chose to ride billy carts. While riding the billy carts she laughed, talked and outlined things she would like to get better at this year and would like some help with
  • A parent who was reluctant to come to outdoor sessions because she had younger children and was concerned that it would be difficult to supervise them and they may be unsafe. She now sits relaxing under the tree as her oldest child is engaged in their session and the younger children explore and play outdoors.
  • A thirteen year old who is very reluctant to try new activities, often refers to his parents to answer questions on his behalf and has a very limited social circle, went down the hill without his parents and has plans for things he wants to build in future sessions (eg a raft and wooden tent peg).
  • A nine year old with Cerebral Palsy, whose mother describes her as ‘therapied out’, is excited about her OT sessions this year in which she plans to build a treehouse and cook by the campfire.

So why didn’t I lead with the warm and fuzzy stuff? Because we were fairly confident that we would see these positive results in the children with whom we work. Research strongly supports the developmental benefits for children of time in the outdoors, plus we have lots of good news stories from our five years of running outdoor play programs during school holidays.

What we did not expect, was nature providing some of its most extreme and variable elements as we established our outdoor OT clinic. Nor did we fully appreciate that this same variability and all the benefits that nature provides children, would impact the Jump Up For Kids team in exactly the same way.

The natural space at Jump Up For Kids has provided our team with opportunities for creativity, innovation, critical thinking, physical activity, coordination, reducing stress and anxiety, problem solving, negotiation, risk management, developing knowledge and awareness of the natural world and a place to ‘unplug’, focus and attend.

These experiences and opportunities have not only improved the skills and knowledge of our team, but have strengthened our conviction and belief in the research and philosophies that underpin our model of care and practice. We are more resolved than ever to ensure that all who work for and with Jump Up For Kids have the opportunity to reap the benefits of time in natural spaces.

I implore you to embrace the challenges and wonder that nature provides and to keep the benefits of time in natural spaces at the forefront in your minds, so that they are central to your decision making each day. The more we are outdoors, the healthier we will be.

To find out more about Jump Up For Kids visit jumpupforkids.com.au



Madeline Avci

Madeline Avci
Director, Jump Up for Kids

Jump Up For Kids brings together twenty five years of Madeline’s experience in Occupational Therapy, teaching and parenting,  to support children and families to develop independence and resilience in their daily lives. Jump Up For Kids provides:

  • Occupational Therapy services
  • Outdoor Play programs
  • Professional Development and Parent Information programs

Madeline is passionate about reducing children’s time in front of screens and providing them with a balanced childhood , including lots of outside play.



The physical and mental benefits of exercise are immense, but did you know that you can leverage these benefits more by exercising outside rather than indoors? Well, experts unanimously agree that outdoor activities exponentially boost your mental health, which makes your physical exercise even more fruitful. And because outdoor or green exercise is in most cases offered to you free by Mother Nature, you are able to save a lot compared to working out in the gym. Saving money is among the life accomplishments that enhance your mood and alleviates stress. With that in mind, let’s focus on 9 of the most notable health benefits of taking outdoor activities.

1. Improves your mental wellbeing
As we mentioned, your mental wellbeing greatly improves when you exercise outdoors. One of the reasons for this is the awareness that your mind has throughout the exercise, particularly in regard to the changing terrain and weather. Unlike in the gym where the floors are flat and benches evenly positioned, the terrain outdoor includes winding paths, hills, woods, and valleys. You are forced to be focused and alert at all times and that alone benefits your mental health.

2. Best way to get Vitamin D
Your bones and blood cells need a lot of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D for them to be healthy. Working out under the sunlight helps your body to absorb these minerals seamlessly. Also, getting 5-15 minutes of sun at least once in every two days gives your body all the Vitamin D it needs.

3. Boosts self-esteem
Your self-esteem increases exponentially when you spend time with friends doing different outdoor activities. This effect is particularly strong when you spend time near water, green areas, and within sounds of nature such as waterfalls. Walking along nature trails, fishing, and gardening, among other moderate-intensity physical activities, are important for your esteem as well. Playing paintball is another worthy activity as it gives you a renewed sense of accomplishment, which is a major confidence boost.

4. Promotes memory
Nature walks have shown a significant relevance in memory retention among humans. Walking around trees, for example, promotes your memory by more than 20%.

5. Stress-reduction effects
Cortisol – The hormone that indicates the level of stress in humans- reduces greatly when you spend time in the forest, say, watching birds and taking part in low-intensity outdoor activities. Camping in the woods, for example, is a far much better activity than spending time in the city, especially for people who suffer from anxiety. It has also been scientifically proven that people who spend more time in the wild have a better heart rate than those who spend hours sitting in front of screens or in city traffic.

6. Reduces anxiety
As we have mentioned above, something about outside calming down an anxious mind. You will attest to this fact even if you aren’t fond of going out- you definitely have experienced the calming nature of Mother Nature even if it is through a house plant or pictures of nature. Many offices nowadays have nature wall arts hanging on office walls as a way of calming down angry, stressed, and anxious employees. If that works, then you can imagine the significance of being in the presence of that waterfall or mountain you see in office wall art. Nevertheless, if you continue having anxieties and the episodes don’t stop, you can hire the services of a life coach who can provide assistance and help you find calmness.

7. Improves the quality of your sleep
Your sleep cycle is dependent on the accurateness of your internal clock. If the clock isn’t working right, then you will have a hard time regulating your night sleep. The clock works right when the cells in your eyes get enough sunlight during the day, particularly before mid-day. That is why you need to be out as many minutes as possible in the morning hours. This requirement becomes more important as you get older.

8. Boosts your immunity
We mentioned that morning sunlight boosts your Vitamin D levels. The more the Vitamin D your body gets, the stronger its immune system becomes. On top of that, being within outdoor plants helps you leverage the health benefits of the phytoncides and other organic compounds that plants produce. These compounds boost immune function in humans.

9. Helps burn some unwanted fat
When you play outside- say, with paintball guns, you burn tons of calories and unwanted fats. And because being outdoor during the day helps you to sleep better, coupled with the fact that better sleep facilitates faster weight loss, the role of outdoor time in your physical fitness can never be overemphasized.

If you are a working citizen, you probably spend hours indoors in front of a computer and under artificial lights. And because you are overwhelmed by work in the office, you don’t have enough time to catch up on news and social trends, so you spend your evening basking in the glory of social media and TV. It is to your best interest if you could end this harmful behavior. Get off the couch and take a walk of nature for a healthier lifestyle.

Download as PDF

Aidan Oscuro

Hiking is an interesting and active hobby to start at any time in your life. There are many different types of hiking for every sort of terrain and skill level. Depending on where you live and what experience you have hiking you could have a really fun hobby with plenty of new trails to try.

Hiking for beginners is not the same boring process that beginning other hobbies can be. Starting hiking just means you shouldn’t try the hardest trails yet and you shouldn’t hike alone. It never means that you need to start on boring, flat trails with no interesting sights.

As more people get active and go outside, hiking grows in popularity. That is because hiking is fun and never the same. Here are a few tips for people who are just starting their hiking journey.

Know Your Limits

The longer more complicated trails might seem like a more fun place to start. They will not be fun at all if they are above your skill and fitness level. Pick your first trail carefully with what your body is ready to do in mind.

You do not need to pick a super boring trail, but you should take your own fitness and knowledge of hiking in mind. It is hard to find a boring place to hike and there are trails for every level of fitness and experience. Find one you know you can complete to start with.

Wear Good Gear

Do not go hiking in flip flops and cotton pants. It is a good idea to buy specific hiking shoes for the type of trails you intend to go on. You should also buy some sweat-wicking fabric that will keep you cool while you hike.

Hiking in or with the wrong gear could easily ruin a hike. Wear a good pair of boots or hiking sandals from viakix to keep your feet comfortable for your whole hike. You do not want to end up freezing, covered in sweat, or with blisters.

Check The Weather

This might seem obvious but you would be surprised how many hikes are ruined because no one thought to check if it would rain. Knowing what weather you are hiking in is an important part of preparing for your hike. It lets you know what you are getting into.

Checking the weather also prepares you for what to wear. If you are planning on a hike that will go a few hours and the weather is going to get hotter then you should have a light jacket to start and something cool under it. Knowing what gear you need for the weather will help your hike stay fun.

Pack The Essentials

There is a list that every hiker should know that gives an idea of what they need to pack before a hike. A few of the basic items might change depending on the weather but the list itself remains solid. Packing those things will ensure a safe, successful hike.

It might seem like a lot to carry on a hike but it really isn’t. Get the lightweight and travel size version of all the items and carry a lightweight backpack with you on all your hikes. Having a designated hiking backpack with all the essentials in it will help you always feel secure on a hike.

Phone A Friend

If you are hiking alone or even with a small group you should always tell someone who is not hiking with you exactly where you will be. Informing a friend the exact place you will be and when you should be back will help them know if they need to call for help and give you peace of mind.

You will want to write down the name of the place you will be and which trail. Tell them when you get there and what time you should be done so they know if you are late or missing. Make sure you tell them when you are done and safe to prevent a lot of worry on their part and an awkward police visit on yours.

Bring Snacks

Water is probably the most important thing you can take with you when you hike. Dehydration is not fun and can be deadly if you aren’t careful. Packing about two pints of water for every four miles is a good way to make sure you have the right amount of water for the hike you have planned.

Bringing a few cheese crackers or granola bars is also a good idea. Depending on how long you take on your hike you might be outside long enough to get hungry. Also, a snack is just a good idea anytime you leave the house in case you feel sick or get a little lost.

Know Your Trail

Do not go hiking blind. That is a good way to end up on a trail that is too difficult or that you don’t know where it ends. It is important to look up a map of the trail you are going to hike before you go.

You should have a map in your backpack but you don’t want to be learning where you are for the first time when you get there. You need to know where the trail leads, how difficult it is, and how long it will take a beginner.

Going in blind is a good way to get lost or hurt. Make sure you do your research before you go so that you don’t end up on a very stressful hike. Knowing your trail is a good way to keep a hike fun instead of scary and too hard.

Leave No Trace

This is a tip you will find on just about every hiking website you go to. It is one of the most important rules of hiking and outdoor sports in general. You are out there to enjoy nature not to leave a mark on it.

It is important you leave the trail exactly as you found it or cleaner. If you find garbage pick it up and never leave anything you brought on the trail. Leaving the trail as you found it with no trace of your presence is one of the most important rules is hiking.


Hiking is a great, active hobby to pick up. The difficulty level can be found for you no matter your fitness level or what difficulty you are willing to try. There is a trail for everyone.

Being prepared for your hiking trip is important. Making sure you are dressed for your hike, have a pack ready, and have plenty of water is the best way to make sure your hike is fun. Make sure you know what weather you will encounter and what sort of trail you are hiking.

Hiking can be so much fun and a life long hobby. Taking care of the trails is the best way to keep hiking beautiful for every person who goes on the trail. Leave no trace and stay safe on your hiking adventure.

Gabe Nelson

Packing for an Emergency Evacuation

What to prepare, what to do and what to pack …

Recently, like many other Australians across the country, I had a knock on the front door from a policeman telling me it was time to go! I had to evacuate the house as soon as possible. This was a first for me and not really something I had ever seriously considered a possibility.

I blundered around for a while, grabbed a few things, stopped and tried to make a rough list, wondered what my partner would need (she was away for the afternoon), stuffed a bag or two, picked up my laptop, locked the door and was gone.

It wasn’t until several hours later that I started remembering all the things I should have taken and should have done before I left the house. I was one of the lucky ones as I could stay with friends who lived nearby and passed a very pleasant night in a comfortable bed so did not feel the loss of the items I should have taken – many of my neighbours were not so blessed.

A day or so later after we were allowed home, I decided to create a checklist – maybe even the ultimate emergency Go Bag checklist.  I did a little Internet research and soon discovered I wasn’t the only one with this bright idea. The list below is a compilation of my ideas and the thoughts of many others.

I have broken it down into sections – and with each section have posed a few questions you might want to consider when deciding what to take.


Things to do so you are ready in case you need to evacuate.

  • Scan all your important paperwork and store online and on a USB stick – insurance, passports, bank details, drivers’ licence, personal contacts, birth certificate, will, irreplaceable photos (ie deceased parents) and so on.
  • Take photos of the rooms in your house – they may be useful if you need to replace all that is lost. (Store online as well)
  • Identify what is important to you – the personal things you don’t want to leave behind. (If an emergency evacuation is likely consider moving those items to a safer location beforehand or, if possible, bag them up ready to go)
  • Get cash from the bank – you may not be able to access an ATM or use your cards during the emergency.
  • Get a battery pack for your phone – you may not be able to charge it during an emergency. (Consider spare batteries for other necessary devices like hearing aids)
  • Each person should have a suitable bag(s), ID, water bottle, snack food, suitable change of clothes …
  • Create your ‘evacuation kit list’ (I keep mine on my phone)
  • Create an ‘evacuation to do list’ – turn of the utilities, locking up the house, turn off the BBQ gas tank and move away from house …

Other things to consider before you need to evacuate

  • You may have to travel some distance to safely evacuate and you may not be able to return to home for several days. (Fill up the car while you still can)
  • You may have to stay in a communal shelter or evacuation centre (Do you have friends you could visit instead?)
  • Alerting your friends and family about what is happening – they will have seen the news and will be concerned. Status updates on Facebook or your favourite social media platform work well.

The List


  • Keys (and a spare set)
  • Wallet (licence, cards and cash)
  • Passport
  • Identification
  • Water bottle


  • Duffle bag / grip / backpack / wheelie
  • Daypack
  • Briefcase (for the technology?)


  • Phone & charger
  • Laptop & charger
  • Kindle & charger
  • Headphones
  • USB Stick (scanned documents, contacts …)

Heath & Hygiene

  • Toilet bag
  • Medications
  • Towel
  • Ear plugs
  • Face mask (or suitable bandanna)
  • Sunglasses
  • Insect repellent
  • First aid kit


  • Glasses (and a spare)
  • Pocket Knife / multitool
  • Torch
  • Umbrella
  • Notepad & pen
  • Books, playing cards – toys for the children
  • Pets & supplies (food, leash, carry cage …)


  • Sufficient for time away – 2-3 changes
  • Think warm, water proof, light weight and sturdy.

Eating (optional)

  • Bowl
  • Takeaway food container (reusable)
  • Keep Cup
  • Knife, fork & spoon
  • Can opener

Food (optional)

  • Will you be fed at the shelter?
  • Water
  • Non- perishable food
  • Snacks
  • Esky and freezer blocks (only useful for a short time)

Sleeping (optional)

  • Pillow
  • Blanket(s)
  • Sleeping bag / sheet / pillowcase
  • Sleeping mat

Miscellaneous (optional)

  • Rubbish bag
  • Whistle
  • Gaffer tape
  • Radio
  • Folding chair
  • Tent
  • Cooker & fuel


And there will be other things that I have yet to remember and things that you know you can’t do without – pack them too! I do hope you never have to go through an evacuation but if you do, maybe this article will help.

Good Luck

Mark Squires
Outdoors Queensland


References / Online Resources


How to Be Safe During Outdoor Swimming in Queensland

Swimming in a pool is awesome. But once your swimming lessons are over and your confidence is through the roof, you may want something different. A Mythical Swimmer needs a good challenge, right?

Swimming pools are good starting points for most learners and granted they do provide that much-needed relief you need in the heat of summer. Besides, pools offer an easily accessible way to bust stress and burn calories without a need for extensive travel.

With time, however, you will find that your brain needs more motivation to help you perform what is at times a solitary and repetitive sport. If you are stuck in a rut and finding it more challenging to invoke solo discipline, it could be a good sign that you need to take your love for swimming to the outdoors.

What is outdoor swimming?

Outdoor swimming can be wild, done in open water or less risky natural swimming holes and warm shallow lakes. Safer outdoor swimming sites are very much like outdoor swimming pools but are scenic, invigorating and beautiful.

Here, you will not have face random aggressive swimmers who want to cut lanes and spoil your good mood. Riskier outdoor swimming activities such as deep-water swims, jumping, diving or river swimming can give you that adrenaline high, but you need to be aware and prepared for their risks.

Why would you want to swim outdoors in Queensland?

While social swimming in pools and clubs amongst friends can challenge you to swim harder and faster, you will be missing loads of fun if you do not try outdoor swimming. This is especially true for you if you are a swimmer in Queensland.

This beautiful corner of heaven has some of the most beautiful natural swimming holes in the world.

They might be harder to get to than your local club’s pool or the beach, but a dip inside them is very rewarding. Natural swimming holes are surrounded by extreme beauty and create the perfect photo ops.

Visit the Currumbin Rockpools for instance and slide smoothly into the cool mountain freshwater pools. You can later sunbake and have a picnic on the grass near the water.

Take a trip to Springbrook National park and dive into the Twin Falls’s three rock pools, the perfect summertime dip. You can also join various open water swimming activities in Queensland and set your personal best amongst Queensland’s best swimmers.

Grab those goggles and join annual swim events such as the Noosa Summer swim festivals held at the Sunshine Coast or the Coolangatta Cooly ocean swim event at the Gold Coast, to name but a few.

Queensland beaches are pristine, and the territory’s perfect swim sites enjoy over 283 days of warm sunshine annually.

How to stay safe while swimming outdoors in Queensland?

Swimmers in Queensland will find beautiful idyllic beaches, whose sand is so white that all they want to do is to toss away their sandals and head for the water.

As hard as it can be to ignore the water’s call, you simply cannot throw away your heavy clothes and jump into the shallows in Far North Queensland. The rightful inhabitants of these waters would not allow you to do this in certain seasons of the year.

If you, for instance, visit any of the beaches in an arc running from Exmouth to Gladstone in Queensland between October and May, you will find them infested with the Irukandji jellyfish.

This period is known as the stinging creature’s high season, so you need stinger suits on your if you want to indulge. You might also need to read the signs and swim in stinger enclosures for safety.

The stinger enclosures cannot protect you from the Irukandji jellyfish which are small enough to pass through the net’s holes. These jellyfish only cause mild pain on stinging, but the sting can induce the Irukandji syndrome afterward, and that can be fatal.

These waters are also home to the Box jellyfish that gives dreadfully painful stings, which can be fatal if severe.

There is, nonetheless, more to worry about in the water than jellyfish.  In the northern territory, you will find crocodiles in the Adelaide River. You could also encounter these ancient creatures if you walk alongside the beach at night at Palm Cove.

Beyond these dangers, you also have to be on the watch out for other dangers such as string currents from recent rains. Below are tips that will help you stay safe when taking an outdoor swim in Queensland.

Tips on how to stay safe when swimming outdoors

If you are going to take an outdoor swim, you need to do so within your limits. This limit is greatly determined by your ability to acclimatize, water conditions, skill, endurance and your understanding of the water body that you are in.

Your prowess in indoor pool swimming, therefore, does qualify you as a strong outdoor swimmer.

Always swim when you are sober

Imbibing before a swim can impair your judgment, as well as your body’s ability to regulate its temperature.

Start with outdoor locations that have lifeguard support

A well-guarded site will help you to beef up your swimming stroke in safety and test your endurance level. If you are going to start in a remote location, check for any boat traffic and hazards such as tides and currents first.


Take to cold water gently and gradually. If you are not used to the cold, limit your swim time. Wear a wet suit for warmth and buoyancy.

Understand the conditions of the water

Do not deep dive into an unknown water body. Ask for the assistance of local guides if you are unsure. They know the best swimming spots as well as areas that have quicksand or rip tides.

Look for local hazard signs too and take some time to understand where people swim the most. It is best to swim when there are other people in the water.

Check the weather

If for instance there has been rain, the water may be dangerous due to changes in flow and flooding. Winds too can adversely affect the behaviour of open water.

Protect yourself

Swim inside stinger enclosures and wear protective clothing for sting safety. Stay away from predators such as crocodiles and swim between safety flags when in waters patrolled by lifeguards. Do not swim at night.


The natural beauty of North Queensland is unrivaled in many aspects, and its tropical warmth makes every day a holiday. To get the best out of your outdoor swimming excursions, follow the simple precautions above.

Nikos Vasilellis
Nereids Aquatic Coaching
Nikos has a passion and love for aquatic activities which is combined with his care for helping others.

It was realising a long-standing dream – paddling the Whitsundays. Ever since my colleague Tim Trehearn wrote this book ‘gone for shore’ I wanted to paddle the Whitsundays. It turned out to be one of the most wonderful outdoors trips I have made.

Tim and I discussed roughly where we would go and he told me to contact Neil and Hayley from Salty Dog to rent a Kayak and Sandy from Scamper to arrange a food and water drop and to get a lift either in or out of Shute Harbour.

My partner Ken and I took the Scamper out to Hook Island, starting the ‘big loop’, described in Tim’s book, in reverse as the wind came from the north east, which is the opposite from the prevailing wind direction in the area.

We landed in Proserpine and took the shuttle bus to Cannonvale, staying overnight at the Sea Breeze to do our last-minute shopping nearby for our week long trip ahead.

The next day we caught the bus down to Shute Harbour to meet Neil from Salty Dog at 6:30am to be kitted out for a 7:30 departure with the Scamper. As it turned out Scamper and Salty Dog share the same old harbour office, and together make a very efficient outfit. Salty dog and Scamper will rent you all you need to camp in the Whitsundays. So, while some German travellers hired all their camping gear from Scamper, we got our stinger suits, snorkels, gas bottle and kayak from Salty’s, along with water bladders, first aid kit, an emergency transponder, sponge, dry bags and (tide) charts. We left our fresh food drop with Scamper and Salty and we received the essential safety instructions from Neil, including the request to let him know each evening where we were, using the transponder and what to do in an emergency. Neil also talked us through what to look out for in terms of winds, tides, currents, snorkelling spots, where to see turtles etc.

We missed out on the whale spotting season (June – Sept), but as it turned out there was plenty to see in terms of wildlife.

We loaded our kayak, gear and ourselves onto the Scamper and off we went! Our destination was Crayfish Beach on Hook Island. There we have the campground all to ourselves and get organised for a short paddle around the corner to do some snorkeling and ease into the kayaking – neither Ken or I had been kayaking for a while. The snorkeling was not that great, but the campsite made up for it. QPWS does a great job with these sites, a picnic table, some clear flat sites and a compost toilet with or without a roof. All is well maintained and no rubbish.

Our evening meals for the week consisted of a range of Back Country Cuisine. On the first night we don’t stir the pack very well, so we have a treat having some crunchy bits at the bottom. When the night sets in the sounds of nature change – some animals go to sleep, some wake up; you hear all sorts of night birds including the Powerful Owl and many birds I have never heard before.

With darkness falling around 6:30pm, there is a great opportunity to catch up on some sleep and recharge the batteries drained through our busy lives. During this week we are in bed by 8pm and wake up around 5:30am. In the mornings we get the jetboil going to make coffee and we share a banana in our muesli for breakfast made with powder milk and water.

Leaving Crayfish Beach means the moment of truth to see if all fits into the kayak. Because remember, we arrived by Scamper, with our kayak and gear separate (you’re not going to carry a loaded kayak!). It’s a great relief that all fits and I wear my stinger suit for the day – and, as it turns out, for the rest of the week, because it is the best kayaking outfit, covering you from head to toe and it does not flap or shift. Other essentials of course are a life vest, lots of sunscreen, zinc, sunnies, boat shoes and a floppy hat.

The next stop at Cairn Beach is even more beautiful. Strange to think that exactly two weeks after our visit two British tourists were attacked by a shark in the area – they were very unlucky. We enjoy the green sea turtles swimming off the beach and the walk to the top of the Cairn, which marks the top end of Whitsunday Island. The views from up there are stunning overlooking Border Island and we see some eagles leisurely gliding the skies, looking for food and then gliding away again.

Opposite our campsite, is the old Hook Island resort. It’s abandoned and the pier is in tatters. I think it closed before Cyclone Debbie and it is sad to see. It would have been a great hideaway in its day.

The devastation of cyclonic weather is very apparent with the jagged tree line and on the walk to the Cairn it is obvious that Parks has done a lot of cleaning up of fallen trees.

The next day we decide to paddle around Border Island down to Whitehaven Beach and see where this trip takes us in terms of stops along the way. It’s a bit choppy across the northern end of Border Island, so we continue around. The geology of the islands is magnificent. Not that I know much about it, but it is nice to see the different sediments and volcanic formations from the kayak.

Halfway south along Border Island we see a green object on one of the beaches. Being true to the curious nature of our species, we go and have a look and find half of what once was the pride and joy of someone – half of a wrecked pleasure boat turned upside down, with what looks like the signature of Cyclone Debbie.

The other remarkable thing is that we encountered a school of flying fish – one of them jumps over the kayak and hits me in the hand – it is not every day that you get hit by a fish.

From Border Island it is a fair way to the south end of Whitehaven Beach where we will camp for the night. Initially, we cannot see the beach, because it is just beyond the horizon, but slowly its bright white silica sand emerges, with boats moored offshore. It seems a long time before we get close and are surprised to see so many people on the beach. They are dropped off by day tour operators to enjoy the beach, the walk and the bright white sands – some tourists actually look a bit lost.

After setting up camp and a bit of a rest, we find that all the day trippers have left and we are just among a group of about 5 other couples / families camping overnight. The walk to the recently built lookout is nice and the view is beautiful.

The following morning, we go snorkelling at Haslewood Island – very beautiful – and on our return we meet the Scamper with a fresh supply of water and fresh food. We pack our kayak and head off around the bottom of Whitsunday Island. I was not prepared for the view of the ugly buildings on Hamilton Island, but we paddle on to our next overnight camp where we are eaten alive by the sand flies that come through the mesh of our tent. We also see a scorpion, but not in our tent!

The next day we head to Joe’s Beach on the Western side of Whitsunday Island and visit Henning Island along the way. There are a few day trippers at Henning Island in little tuff-tuff boats, which I assume you can hire somewhere…. They are a nice, unobtrusive way for a small group or family to go out on an active adventure.

Joe’s Beach is wonderful, no sand flies, no tourists, beautiful nature, but there are warnings to not go swimming as there had been three shark attacks last year – so no snorkelling! However, we don’t mind this and just really enjoy the nice views and atmosphere at the campsite.  The resident goannas don’t show but we see their prints in the sand.  This part of the Whitsundays has less damage from Cyclone Debbie – the forests are fuller and no jagged tree lines.

The next day, on our way to South Mole Island, we encounter some dolphins! They are so nice to watch, but did not find us interesting enough, because they just appeared and were gone again. We stopped at Denman Island for some morning tea and then paddled north to the Planton Island. Rounding the top of South Mole Island was against tide and wind, which took a while. Once around the top you see the old resort, nicely blended into the environment. As we find out on our walk in the afternoon, it is completely destroyed, waiting to be rebuild by its new Chinese owners. Anyhow, as the tide was receding, we decided to head north around Mid Mole Island and have lunch at Cockatoo Beach on the southern tip of North Mole Island.

We share the campsite at Paddle Bay on South Mole Island with another couple and a pair of Curlews and their young. You would hardly notice the Curlews if it was not for their hissing when walking past them on the way to the toilets.

Curlews are among my favourite birds – they behave slightly odd, have nice calls and look great!

The next morning is time to get back to Shute Harbour. It’s nice to see Neil and Haley from Salty Dog again and share some of our stories. We take the bus back to Airlie Beach and mingle among the visitors from the large cruise ship that is anchored offshore. As for me – I rather cruise with my kayak – it is a more active way of unwinding and being immersed into the environment. Being hit by a fish, watching dolphins and sea turtles swim alongside the kayak, being able to spot the nice snorkelling spots by paddling over them and camping on pristine beaches, is my way of living life outdoors …

Yes, I will be back next year and if you are interested in doing some paddling between the Whitsundays up to Cairns and beyond, buy Tim’s book from the QORF shop and plan out your holiday!

Hubertien Wichers
Office Manager

How were we to know?

How were we to know that we were taking for granted that the neighbourhood would always be there and accessible for children? Or how important the neighbourhood is for children? A critical resource in supporting children’s overall development, shaping positive identities in children, as community members, caring, empathetic, doers, active, connectors, friends, social beings, adventurers, connected to the natural world. How were we to know that in one generation this no longer be part of childhood?

What we do know now, from our Neighbourhood Play Project study, is that most children are banned from exploring their neighbourhood and the opportunities for physical activity, for social activity, for freedom, fun, friends, challenge and mastery, within childhood, in-real-life, for the most part have not been replaced, they have been reduced. They have largely dissipated. Especially the opportunities for children to do child-stuff locally on their own terms.

The 12 month exploration of the recent ‘Neighbourhood Play Project’ unpacked what is and is not happening in neighbourhoods for modern children and families.

Neighbourhood Play Makes Children Happy

What we do know now is that securing neighbourhoods for children to connect and play will increase children’s physical and social activity and improve their trajectory and overall quality of life. Furthermore, for all who live in the local area, increasing neighbourhood play will enhance social cohesion and reduce the risks associated with social isolation.

However, our explorations found that a significant number of Queensland children are completely impeded or highly challenged in their ability to connect and play with local friends. Therefore, a significant number of Queensland children’s physical and social activity is reduced, increasing their risk of being or becoming physically and/or mentally unhealthy.

Neighbourhood Play Builds Independence

The current neighbourhood story points towards a complete erosion of many children’s independent mobility in and around their neighbourhoods. Upon reflection, for the children in this study, neighbourhood play has seemingly disapeared from childhood. In other words, children don’t even want to go out into their community and have no interest in the immediate world outside their door, no desire to connect with local children for play, and no internal value for the neighbourhood as a play resource.

This lack of intrinsic motivation for neighbourhood play could negatively impact on children’s long-term intrinsic motivation for outdoor play and activities in general, along with their overall interest in physical activity and the world beyond their front door.

Perhaps this has come about due to modern children not having seen neighbourhood play in action, with no other children out playing, children no longer have other kids to look up to and to aspire to be.

Neighbourhood Play Builds Physical Literacy and Good Health

Children in this study never brought up physical activity as a motivator for neighbourhood play however while playing out in the neighbourhood, the children were constantly moving and engaged in highly physical forms of activity, such as running, jumping, climbing, chasing etc. The children were predominantly at the edge of their skills and abilities or seeking out the next opportunity for this type of engagement within their physically active play. Climbing higher, riding faster, setting more challenges for themselves, pushing each other, and exploring and mastering new skills. This suggests that if children are given the space for outdoor play, and able to connect with other children, they will be significantly more physically active.

Interestingly, if local neighbourhood play opportunities are not created, children will not seek them out.

Neighbourhood Play Builds Good Friends

Our explorations found that parental concerns for their children’s wellbeing and health, surrounding neighbourhood play, mostly related to their child’s opportunity for socio-emotional development and securing good mental health. Parents were most excited about their children having local friends for play.

Parental concerns were centered largely around their child’s loneliness and social isolation. Concern for children’s physical health was noted however the immediate lack, as expressed by parents, was more focused on children’s ability to just be happy and smiley. When probed parents attributed this happiness would come from their children’s social skill development, their child’s capacity to make and sustain friends, as well as create opportunities for their children to practice, test and master relationship skills. Parents viewed neighbourhood play as a regular and accessible avenue for their child’s social skill development.

Correlating with this parental motivation was the high degree of parental concern that their children do not have neighbourhoods, or neighbourhood friends, and therefore are lacking in opportunities to practice and master social skills.

Neighbourhood Play Grows Out of Backyard Play

Parental concern for the growing trend of backyards shrinking was noted. Parents expressed concern that backyards were lacking the capacity to cater for their child’s social outdoor play (not enough space for multiple children to play in for extended periods of time) or satisfy the desired level of developmentally appropriate challenge and mastery levels of middle to older children. In this vein, the neighbourhood becomes increasingly important as a resource to sustain a child’s level of challenge, social engagement, motivation and interest in outdoor play and physical activity.

Neighbourhoods for Play Needs to be Prioritised

The difficulty of having ‘time’ for neighbourhood play was regularly mentioned by parents who felt that there are multiple activities competing for attention in family life. Parents also mentioned that neighbourhood play needed to become a priority, and a local collaboration of parents could schedule in unscheduled time for their children to connect and play.

Fear and Distrust Erode Neighbourhoods for Play

Overall our community investigation discovered most children are banned from the neighbourhood by fearful and distrusting parents who just want to keep their children safe. Parents are fearful that their child will be abducted or hurt if permitted to play out in the neighbourhood. Parents perceived all people who they don’t know are potential threats to their children.

Other adults are not viewed as friends, valuable community members, supervisors of neighbourhood children, or protectors of all local children.

This parental fear was noted as widely adopted across the community and the deciding factor for banning children from the neighbourhood.

This parental fear is also projected onto children who don’t seem to perceive a reduction of their lives. Across this project no child was noted as unsatisfied or protesting their parent’s decision to reduce their space for play and opportunity to connect with local friends. Nor were children noted as asking for or demanding neighbourhood play. Children seemed to accept that locally they are not permitted beyond their home unless supervised by adults. Children seemingly accept this permanent grounding as their parents keeping them safe and secure.

A comment consistently repeated over the project was “you just don’t know who is out there”. Several children interviewed indicated they were fearful and distrusting of the outside world and were prepared with extreme strategies to ward off predators, ready to be implemented at any time. Children are seemingly being raised with the message that they are in constant danger all the time, and that everyone they don’t know is a threat to their safety.

This suggests a prevalence of children who live with the fear of constant danger and are scared of their neighbourhoods. This builds a negative narrative inside the child and acts as a strong internal barrier to neighbourhood play.

This fear that is obvious in children’s minds suggests that grown-ups’ need to be careful in how children are educated about their community. Taking children out into their neighbourhoods, talking with them about constructive strategies for staying safe and being mindful of dangers, but also reinforcing the realities of these anomalies occurring to ensure our children have an accurate perception of the world. Perhaps this will protect children’s developing worldview and paint a positive picture for children of the community they will want to grow with, be part of and contribute to.

Hyahno Moser
Program Manager
Nature Play QLD BLOG

Driver Fatigue

Recently, I was reading a fascinating book about airplane crashes and how poor decision making ultimately led to disaster. What was striking was the similarity to many coronial inquests for outdoor education incidents. Like many fatalities on outdoor expeditions, each of the airplane disasters could’ve been avoided. However, fatigue and poor decision making ultimately led to disaster.

So why are we so impaired by fatigue? When we’re fatigued, a number of things happen which reduce our ability to make clear, informed and reasonable decisions. The harder we try, the less effective this becomes. Our focus narrows further and further into a tunnel vision that cripples our ability to make sound, reasoned judgment. This was evident in the cockpit recordings. Instead of clear, thoughtful and decisive action, mistake after mistake was made, culminating in the inevitable plane crash. Experienced pilots forgot their training and simple corrective actions weren’t taken.

The same is true of many fatalities in outdoor education. Fatigue adversely impacts the ability of a teacher to make reasoned, informed decisions. Research has shown that multiple shifts of work and not sleeping for 24 hours (which includes poor/broken sleep), has the same effect on decision making that being drunk has. Do we ever allow teachers to be drunk at work? No! So why do we allow fatigue to be overlooked?

When people are fatigued and/or drunk, their reaction time slows, their ability to solve complex problems is significantly inhibited and their ability to perform even the most-simple tasks becomes compromised. The only solution for fatigue, is sleep!

Good decision making is one of the best risk management strategies you can have. You see something that hasn’t gone to plan, doesn’t fit or doesn’t feel right. You assess the problem, adapt and respond accordingly. Good outdoor leaders will continually do this throughout any program. Most of the time, what they do isn’t even noticeable. Unfortunately, when we’re fatigued, that vitally important, broad problem-solving skill set stops working. We can only focus on single tasks and, even then, we might only be able to focus on a single part of a single task. Ultimately, diminished capacity invariably leads to bad outcomes.

Unfortunately, in outdoor ed incidents, we generally don’t have first hand recordings of events as they transpire. However, in many inquests, you can see how fatigue could have impaired judgment and contributed to repeated poor decisions and the downward spiral of events which ultimately resulted in the fatality.

Not all outdoor ed fatalities have fatigue as a contributing factor, but if we’re aware of the fact that it’s one of the most dangerous problems we can face even as experienced teachers, then we can put systems in place to manage and avoid fatigue and its related hazards. If we don’t want staff to be working ‘drunk’ from fatigue, we must ask. How long is an acceptable shift? What are the tasks that each staff member is doing during this time? What driving is involved? Can the load be shared? What if someone feels fatigued? What backup plans do you have in place?

For outdoor education, this is critical. Fatigue can’t be pushed through. It can’t be ignored. It can’t be put off for a ‘later’ discussion. The end result, like the fatal vehicle accident in New Zealand where the teacher fell asleep at the wheel, are self-evident that fatigue and good decision making don’t go hand in hand.

Do you have a fatigue management system in place?

If not, make it your number 1 priority, as it’s vital that our industry keep safe those for whom we’re responsible. It’s essential to have teachers with clear heads and great decision-making skills, so that every outdoor experience is a wonderful and rewarding one for all.

David Gregory
XcursionChallenge Experience Growth

Can they go hand in hand?

Let’s talk about why combining online education and outdoor activities won’t lower your productivity!

I believe you know this feeling when you’re sitting half of your day in the school/university classes and thinking that you could invest this bunch of time into something more interesting. This idea comes to mind of every active student who loves physical activity and prefers to plan the time according to their needs.

Online education is partly a solution to this issue. No matter what you study, you can take online courses and eventually get a diploma like any other students who’ve been taking day studies. It’d be especially easy for those who opt for technical majors, such as computer science, data science, computer engineering, business intelligence, cybersecurity, information systems, etc. An online degree in one of these spheres is accessible and affordable in many leading universities.*

Remember I said that online education is partly a solution? I meant that some students manage to fail with their active daily routine even when they’re studying at home. They have no problems going to the sports training but delay their home tasks until it’s too late. The reason for this stems from human psychology. It’s easier for our brain to accomplish the tasks that already have clear deadlines. That is why educational institutions along with sports clubs use schedule which is a perfect way to discipline and organize people.

Time management is something which is hardly taught at school. This soft skill is not only crucial for your studying progress but also your sports achievements. My advice for those who gave up traditional studying for the sake of online programs is the following: “Spend at least 20 minutes in the morning to plan your daily activities”.

Time management techniques

No matter what kind of sports you do – it shouldn’t interfere with effective studies. If you’re a professional basketball player, you must have a 2-hour training at least three times a week. Let’s make some calculations. A week has 168 hours. You spend 56 hours sleeping if you have a regular healthy sleeping routine which lasts for 8 hours each day. Besides, you spend 6 hours on sport + 6 hours spent on the road. If you live closer, it’s even better. Also, you probably eat. According to a study conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, at least 20 hours are usually spent on food. What do we have as a result? We have 80 hours left!

This time can be an effective investment in your studies. Planning your time and doing a lot every day appears to be easier when you know exactly how much time you spend on every activity. The data provided above can be inaccurate for you so.

I suggest you observe how much time you dedicate to sleeping, eating, doing sport, studying, and relaxing (never forget about a good rest).

Once you’ve done that, deal with your time. It is recommended by psychologists and personal growth couches to make a list of your activities for a day to have a clear vision of the volume of work you’re about to do. If you don’t like writing things on paper (the same story with me), just spend 10 or 15 minutes thinking about this list. I usually do it in the shower.

I want to share with you a cool method to improve your prioritization process. It happens that we wake up and have tons of works. In order not to get depressed or overwhelmed, use the ABCDE approach. I came across this technique when I was reading the book called “Building the Courage to Break of Your Comfort Zone” by Brian Tracy.

ABCDE are markers you put in front of every point in your to-do list. “A” stands for the most important and life-changing activities. These are the activities that contribute the most to your health, family, career, or personal growth. You put “B” in front of such activities which should be done but not as urgently as the activities from the “A” category. “C” tasks are advisable but not obligatory to do. A letter “D” means delegation which means that “D” activities are those things you can delegate to others. “E” stands for elimination. Basically, these are the tasks you can remove from your list. 20 minutes of effective planning in the morning saves you 2 hours during the day.

The Internet is swarming with time management techniques. You just need to apply them. If you know what, when, and how you’re going to do, you are likely to get things done. Combining active lifestyle and online studying is more than possible. It all boils down to priorities and planning.

Josh Thompson
Education Specialist (MIDS)

*For example:

Discover the magic of Noosa and the Sunshine Coast outdoors, from the mountains to the sea

Two Noosa friends teamed up to inspire more people to get outdoors and experience the magic that comes from walking on our beautiful wilderness trails. Lisa Marshall, Trek Coach, and Greg Cartwright, a talented videographer who runs local business Greg Cartwright Media, explored Noosa National Park, Mt Cooroora, Buderim Falls and the Sunshine Coast Great Walk in Mapleton, to capture the magic and beauty available to us on our doorstep. They felt they wanted to share some of the beauty they discovered, so they combined their skills to produce a moving short film called, Immerse Yourself. The pair entered the film in to the recent Visioning the Outdoors Film & Photo Competition and won The People’s Choice Award for Best Film.

“We were so excited to receive the news of our film winning the People’s Choice Award, and to see the many positive comments and feedback from people who felt inspired to go out for a walk and discover more of what’s in their own backyard. I received the news whilst in a campervan travelling across Queensland to explore the 10 Great Walks of Queensland in 10 days, so it came at a crazy time in my life, but just felt right! I had only the day before been on the trails in Mapleton where we had captured our initial story” said Trek Coach Marshall.

“My journey across Queensland on the recent Q10 Expedition only fuelled my desire to encourage more people to get outdoors and go for a hike. We are blessed with such beautiful national parks, and the perfect winter climate to get out walking. I hope that Noosa locals and tourists alike, will watch Immerse Yourself and realise that they don’t need to venture far from Noosa to access world class hiking trails, that offer short day hikes and multi day hikes. Something for everyone.” Said Lisa.

“It was an amazing experience working with Greg to see how he pieced together the video footage to create a moving picture, giving us a feeling of being immersed in the natural environment and the peace it brings. I was amazed at the hours and hours he spent editing, overlaying music and the story and working his magic to create Immerse Yourself. I have a new found respect for how much goes in to making a short film and the many hours of work that go in to making it happen, after the filming has been done.”

You can also watch Immerse Yourself at www.trekcoach.com.au/2019/05/26/immerse-yourself

Lisa has gone on to create an online resource for keen hikers, called Get Trek Ready. She was inspired to capture the many lessons, tips and tricks she has gained over 15 years of hiking and training people to prepare for world class treks, in a simple to use e-Guidebook and an accompanying 16 Week Fitnesstrek Program.

“I want people to have fun when they set out on an adventure on foot. To do this, you need to have the basic gear and be prepared for the environment you are setting out in. The wilderness offers us opportunities to immerse ourselves in beauty and wonder, but you won’t experience this if you have blisters from the wrong shoes and are huffing so badly up the hill that you aren’t sure you will make it back! With just a little guidance and a few tips on what gear you need, how to choose it and what preparation you can put in place, you can open up so many opportunities to enjoy discovering natural places on foot.”

Find out more about Get Trek Ready HERE.

Lisa Marshall
Trek Coach



From the playmeo Blog

After working with groups all over the world for 30+ years now, I know that when they accept my invitation to enter into a space of play (or flow,) transformation or growth or development is possible.

You could describe the science of flow as taking fun more seriously. We’ve all experienced it, at some point in our lives, often frequently. It’s those moments when you are totally absorbed by what you are doing, and, as described by Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, it holds the secret to happiness.

Flow is a highly-focused mental state conducive to productivity, and as such, is highly relevant to the development of individuals and groups.

If you’re responsible for the well-being and development of a group of people, I invite you to watch this fascinating TED Talk Mihaly presented in 2004.

For me, it deepens my understanding of how important it is to focus on creating the ideal environment in which your group can make appropriate decisions.

As I have grown in my role as a professional group facilitator, and trainer, I’ve slowly come to the conclusion that creating a space in which my group can make appropriate decisions (consistent with the goals of my program) is one of my primary responsibilities as a leader.

A bit like the notion of “if I build it, they will come,’ I truly believe that if I create the most conducive environment for my group, growth or learning or development will have the best chance of occurring.

And this is where the importance and impact of flow enter the picture. Growth, development and learning can be hard work, so the more I can immerse my group in moments of flow, the more likely they will be willing to engage in this hard work.

What do you think? Click to leave a comment for Mark  COMMENT

Mark Collard


From the Trek Coach Blog

If you have a yearning to head out in to the wilderness on a day hike, you have come to the right place. Being prepared for a big day walk, is the difference between being immersed in an adventure that you enjoy, versus hating every minute of it! Here are a few things to consider when planning your next adventure on foot:

  1. Train/hike in your gear in the weeks leading up to your big walk. Wear comfortable, well fitted trail shoes/trail runners or lightweight hiking boots or walking shoes with good, grippy Vibram sole. “good fit” means you have some space at the front of the big toe, even with a good pair of merino hiking socks on;  your toes don’t hit the front of the shoes when you are on a steep incline/descent; your feet don’t slide in and out at the heel. Good quality socks (no cotton) that wick away moisture, coupled with a pair of hiking shoes that have been fitted for you, can make ALL the difference and prevent debilitating blisters.
  2. Research the climate/weather/trail difficulty and trail notes and maps before you go. Be prepared to change your plans if the weather conditions do not look favourable for being out there all day. Know where there are access points along the route in case you need to exit before the end point. Don’t just look at the number of kms but also the gradient of the trail and how many climbs there are. Kms become A LOT slower when you are climbing a steep ascent or having to slow don to get down a steep rocky/scree descent. Your speed/kms per hour are also affected by extreme weather conditions – like humidity, heat, rain or cold. The trail conditions will affect this too – so read up on the latest trail updates. All these need to be factored in to your timing. Rather start out earlier in the day and allow an extra couple of hours on top of your estimated time on trail. You can always spend some time at the end enjoying a rest if you finish earlier than expected.
  3. Your daypack should be around 30 litre capacity.
    • You should have between 2-4 litres of water depending on the climate and your own needs – some people sweat alot and others drink more. Take some electrolytes to alternate between water and electrolytes especially if it is a hot day.
    • Take enough food that you can snack on small bites every 45 minutes to an hour. A mixture of sweet and salty, fruit, and dried goods, but not foods that sit heavy in your stomach.
    • First Aid kit, including stiff bandage, strapping, wound care, snake bandage, eye wash, eye drops, band aids, personal medications and asthma treatment if required.
    • Head torch (even if you think you won’t be walking in the dark, many people have underestimated their walking time and been stuck out in the dark.)
    • Pack layers of clothing, depending on climate but always expect in the mountains that the weather can swing between extremes.
    • Always carry good quality rain gear, that you have pre-tested in the rain and cold. Carry a blister kit – special blister plasters, tape or foot fleece that you have tried in training. A small towel if you intend to swim on route.
    • Tissues. Lip balm, suncream and sun hat and shirt.
    • Bandana to protect your neck, also can wet and use to cool yourself when it is hot.
    • Lightweight, sealable eco friendly bag to carry out rubbish, including vegetable matter.
  4. Tell someone where you are going: log your route plans at the National Park if required. Pay for the relevant National Park permits if required before you go.
  5. Know your own ability. Don’t overestimate how fit you are, or how agile. This is why training on trails in the lead up to your hike is so important. It helps you to gauge your fitness/agility so you are better prepared for the challenging terrain you may encounter. When estimating how long it might take to walk a trail, add in breaks. Read blogs and other trail notes and info on the planned walk to gauge time on trail.
  6. Never walk alone.
  7. Carry a Personal Locator Beacon if you will be out of mobile phone range.
  8. Use walking poles: practice with these in training. They can reduce the impact on your lower limbs significantly and also help with endurance – imagine your legs doing all the work, vs spreading some of the energy expenditure to your arms and upper body, especially when you need a push to get up a big incline.
  9. Immerse yourself in the wilderness and enjoy the freedom that comes with this: take photos on your phone, but the rest of the time, try to clear your mind of scattered thoughts and worries, Instead become curious about the surroundings, focus your attention on nature, breathe the fresh air, stretch during your breaks.
  10.  Allocate one person in the group to be responsible for time keeping, and one to be on maps/route/navigation. Don’t be too proud to acknowledge if you aren’t making good time or you aren’t sure of the route. Make decisions to turn around and go back, or rework your plans for the day, before it’s too late.

Being prepared for a hike makes ALL the difference and also gives you the opportunity to be immersed in nature, rather than struggling through the day with ill-fitting  gear, or feeling unfit and unable to enjoy the experience. Just like any goal, the journey to get there is just as important as the destination.

As always, leave no trace: take all your rubbish with you, be respectful of traditional land owners, historical sites and all flora and fauna. Step lightly and take nothing but photographs.

Find out more trek tips on how to Get Trek Ready HERE.

Lisa Marshall
Trek Coach


For more info, go to Bushwalking


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