You can now register to receive and submit the 2025 Occupation Shortage List Stakeholder Survey
2025 Occupation Shortage List Stakeholder Survey
Jobs and Skills Australia leads work on occupation shortage analysis including the annual Occupation Shortage List (formerly the Skills Priority List) and reports on occupation shortages. The Occupation Shortage List (OSL) provides a detailed view of occupations in shortage in Australian and by each state and territory.
The OSL is released annually as a point-in-time assessment of the labour market.
You can now register to receive and submit the 2025 Occupation Shortage List Stakeholder Survey. Here you can provide information you have on vacancies advertised and filled in your industry for specific occupations, the supply of suitably skilled workers, increases in demand, challenges with job applicants, and information sources.
The survey closes on Friday 7 March 2025 at 5pm (AEDT).
The survey primarily targets peak bodies, industry groups, professional associations, unions, regional representative bodies, and education and training advisory bodies. However, government agencies, recruitment agencies/labour hire firms, employers and Jobs and Skills Councils are welcome to complete the survey.
The stakeholder survey focuses on collecting quantitative and qualitative information on:
- Whether the proportion of vacancies filled is low, moderate or high, by national level, state or territory, and regionality (metropolitan or regional area or both).
- Where possible, the number of vacancies advertised, vacancies filled, applicants and reasons vacancies were not filled.
- The evidence supporting the above.
You will be able to list your sources of information. This may include:
- Discussions with members, stakeholders and/or industry partners
- Formal data collection
- Knowledge and/or discussions
- Industry reports
- News Articles
- Other
Additional evidence from non-survey submissions by stakeholders
Some stakeholders submit evidence and documentation on occupations and industries either via email or as part of their response to the stakeholder survey. This evidence is coded into the appropriate OSCA/ANZSCO occupation and treated in-line with the desktop research (discussed in the methodology paper).
Assistance can be sought by emailing: OccupationShortageList@jobsandskills.gov.au
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