AMSA Jetski

AMSA Update

Guidelines for marine adventure tourism operators

AMSA has released new safety guidelines for marine adventure tourism operations. The guidelines are designed to help operators develop, maintain and implement an effective safety management system.

Marine adventure tourism operations include hire, rides, tours or similar activities involving:

  • personal watercraft including aerial freestyle devices and hover-boards
  • parasailing and towed water sports
  • jetboats
  • high speed adventure vessels like, fast craft, jetboats, ocean collared vessels.

In the guide you’ll find:

  • lists of passenger safety equipment and restraining methods that may be relevant.
  • a safety briefing checklist
  • example emergency response plans and procedures.

AMSA co-developed these guidelines with experienced operators and associated professionals in marine adventure tourism operations. This helped make sure the guidelines are practical, effective, and tailored to the specific needs and challenges of the industry.

Inspection campaign on vessel adventure rides & experiences

Domestic commercial vessels operating as adventure rides and experiences often conduct operations that involve intentional high speeds, vertical or horizontal accelerations, have aerial equipment attached or are used in other higher risk situations.

From October 2023 – March 2024, AMSA marine inspectors will be focusing inspection and education efforts on vessel adventure rides and experiences.  The inspectors will be looking closely at how operational activities, vessel design and crew competencies have been carefully considered to ensure the safety of everyone onboard.

More information and a list of questions our marine inspectors may ask is available via the link below.

Specifically, marine inspectors will look for:

  • Evidence of appropriate crew and skill levels
  • Evidence of induction and training records appropriate to the operation
  • Evidence of a risk assessment to identify high speed and safety limitations
  • Written procedures for the management of emergent situations
  • Ready availability of lifejackets in an emergency and appropriately stored and secured safety equipment
  • Observations that the vessel is fit for purpose and designed for adventurous type activities

AMSA has investigated very serious and serious incidents involving vessels operating as adventure rides and experiences in recent years and frequently receives reports of unsafe operations.

About AMSA


As Australia’s national regulatory body, AMSA, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, promotes the safety and protection of the marine environment and combat ship-sourced pollution. They provide the infrastructure for safe navigation in Australian waters and maintain a national search and rescue service for the maritime and aviation sectors.




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