Bike Riding Encouragement & Infrastructure
Bike Riding Encouragement Program 2020-21
The Bicycle Riding Encouragement Program (BREP) community grants provide financial support for activities that help to increase the number of people who regularly ride a bike.
We are looking for fresh and different ideas to address the challenges of getting more people to ride more often. We also want to support the growth and development of bike riding in Queensland through innovation and partnerships.
Encouraging more Queenslanders to ride, or ride more, is a key priority of the Queensland Cycling Strategy 2017-2027, the Queensland Government’s strategic direction for cycling.
The program has 2 distinct funding streams.
Stream 1: Grassroots funding
The ‘grassroots’ stream is focused on supporting initiatives within local Queensland communities, such as ‘buddy’ rides, social bike rides and rides targeting specific groups (i.e. children, women, older riders, new riders).
Organisations or groups can apply for up to $5,000 under this funding stream.
Stream 2: Innovation funding
The ‘innovation’ stream will support organisations or groups to start or progress an innovative idea, initiative or concept to encourage more people to ride a bike. The nature of initiatives considered under this funding stream are broad-reaching and may range from projects that directly provide a service at a specific location, but that can be replicated across the state (such as employee encouragement programs or short term bike hire), to initiatives that encourage people to start riding, or ride more, regardless of their geographical location (such as an app or website).
Organisations or groups can apply for up to $20,000 under this funding stream.
Learn More
Opens: Wednesday 23 September 2020
Closes: 11.59 pm on Sunday 25 October 2020
Cycling Infrastructure Grants
The Queensland Government is committed to achieving the Queensland Cycle Strategy 2017-2027 vision of ‘more cycling, more often on safe, direct and connected routes’.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads works with local governments to achieve this vision by delivering and improving principal cycle networks across Queensland.
To get more people cycling more often, cycling needs to be accessible and safe, with facilities that encourage new riders, women and children. The Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program aim is to accelerate the delivery of cycling networks and encourage more cycling across Queensland.
Eligible projects
Projects eligible for this funding include the detailed design and/or construction of:
- off-road exclusive use bikeways
- on-road bicycle lanes which are physically separated from motorised traffic (also called Cycle Tracks)
- off-road shared paths
- advisory lanes
- on-road facilities, including bike lanes, shoulder widening, line marking, lane and intersection reconfiguration and priority signalling
- crossing provisions including at-grade treatments, bridges or underpasses
- mid-trip facilities and end-of-trip facilities
- directional and route signage
- lighting and data collection.
Learn More
Opens: Tuesday 15 October 2019
Closes: COB Friday 20 December 2019
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