Review of the regulations for the management of Queensland’s protected areas, recreation areas and State forests
Every 10 years the regulations used to manage different types of natural areas such as protected areas (for example national parks), recreation areas and State forests are reviewed.
The purpose is to ensure the regulations remain up to date with contemporary needs for managing these areas on behalf of the community.
As part of this review, in November and December 2023 the department sought community feedback on proposed changes*. We would like to thank those people who took the time to complete the survey and provide important feedback on the proposals.
The review of the regulations has been finalised and the changes take effect on 22 September 2024.
* Outdoors Queensland made a submission to this process last year, and while not all our suggestions have been implemented, some of the changes are positive. Other changes may cause issues for some people if they are unaware of these changes when they visit a park or protected area.
Review Key Outcomes
The key outcomes have been summarised into:
- Camping and campfires
- Using vehicles and aircraft in QPWS areas
- Prohibited and regulated activities in QPWS areas
- Permits for activities in QPWS areas
- Proposals that are not proceeding
Proposals that were included in the public consultation that are NOT proceeding:
- Updating the forestry legislation to assess permit applications, consistent with other QPWS areas, including to allow combined permits for research across multiple QPWS area types. Further consideration is required regarding how best to align with provisions of the Forestry Act 1959.
- Creating an ability to refuse lodgement of permit applications for permits in certain situations such as natural disasters or capacity constraints. Such matters can be managed through administrative practices rather than the need for regulation.
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