Australia's first glass bridge unveiled at Cobbold Gorge in outback Queensland

Cobbold Gorge in the Gulf Savannah region of north-west Queensland is now home to Australia’s first ever bridge constructed with an entirely glass surface.

The gorge, which is on private land, is about 900 metres long and in some places is only 2m wide — evidence that labelled it the state’s youngest gorge.

The glass bridge, which cost operators and the State Government about $600,000, was unveiled in front of 75 people on Saturday with traditional ceremonies and a ribbon cutting.

Operations manager Hudson Fox said it was the first time there had been a bridge across the gorge and he hoped it made it easier for people to experience its natural beauty.

“Prior to us opening the bridge there were some difficult spots that some people struggled with,” he said.

“It’s making that sandstone country a lot more accessible so more people can actually come up and see the country for what it is.”

Key points:

  • A glass bridge has been constructed across the Cobbold Gorge at a cost of $600,000
  • The 9.5-metre long bridge has a glass bottom deck that is 4.5-centimetres thick
  • Due to the remote location of the gorge a heavy-lift helicopter was needed for the bridge’s installation

“You can stand on the bridge right above the gorge.”

Krystal Gordon
ABC News

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