Illegal e-bikes a worldwide problem

Bicycle Network

Electronics tampered with to provide extra power ...

Bicycle Network story on the rise of illegal e-bikes and the potential effect on cyclists and the legitimate e-bike sector.

Police in the Netherlands seized 10,500 illegal e-bikes in 2024, an indication of the emerging threat to bike rider safety posed by what are, in effect, electrically powered motorcycles.

These potentially dangerous bikes are rapidly sneaking into bike lanes and shared paths around the world, and in Australia have hit the headlines due to their burgeoning popularity with teenagers.

Mostly sold online, with their electronics tampered with to provide extra power, throttle grips fitted to avoid the need to pedal and batteries and chargers of such poor quality that home insurers are panicky, the machines are also a potential risk to the reputation and business of the legitimate e-bike sector.

Read Full Story: Bicycle Network


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