New 'Mountain Biking In Australia - An Economic And Participation Analysis' report

An estimated 341,900 mountain bike participants across Australia directly spend $630.8 million per annum and support 6,095 full time employees annually through riding at their local trails.

The findings, revealed in the newly released Mountain Biking In Australia – An Economic And Participation Analysis report, highlights the social value benefits, the personal and community benefits and economic benefits generated from a rider’s participation in mountain biking.

Its other key findings include:

  • The estimated health benefit (the personal and health system benefits due to healthier, active individuals) of mountain biking is $1.58 per kilometre ridden.
  • The positive association between sport and physical recreation, and educational outcomes, (the human capital uplift), is estimated at $252 annually per rider or $2.50 per ride.
  • The satisfaction people derive from participating in sport and active recreation (consumer surplus) is estimated at $2,624 per annum per person or $25.98 per ride.
  • The civic and volunteering benefit, which is defined as the value people place on volunteering and enjoying sport and recreation activities is estimated at $3,214 per annum per person.

Funded by Mountain Bike Australia (MTBA) and the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources through the Building Better Region Fund, AusCycling (of which MTBA is now part) along with consultants GHD, the report establishes a baseline of the current levels of participation in mountain biking at a national level, and where possible quantifies the value, of the economic, social and environmental benefits of mountain biking.

The origins of the study go back to 2019, when, with a membership of around 18,000 but knowing participation in the activity of mountain biking was considerably higher than membership, MTBA set out to commence a project to quantify participation rates and the associated benefits.

Click here to view the Mountain Biking In Australia – An Economic And Participation Analysis report.

Mountain Bike Australia/AusCycling’s Project Manager, Denise Cox said although presented with a number of challenges in the form of the 2019/20 bushfires and the COVID19 pandemic which delayed the project, the outcomes are quite compelling, in particular the benefits mountain biking and mountain bikers provide to Australia and its economy.

It is expected the finding of the report will enable AusCycling, clubs, government agencies and other stakeholders to make informed future decisions regarding infrastructure investment, support funding applications for mountain bike infrastructure, economic growth and tourism and support broader outdoor recreation and facility planning.

Australian Leisure Management



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