Outdoors Queensland's submission
In a time of change and to drive better outcomes for Queensland, Outdoors Queensland calls on all political parties to lead by taking action to support outdoor organisations and protect nature.
Actively supporting the diverse sector working in, through and with the great outdoors requires establishing consistent outdoor policy and allocating dedicated funding for outdoor activities and development of the outdoor workforce.
Protecting nature means dramatically increasing Queensland’s protected area estate, providing sustainable funding for custodianship of the entire protected area estate, and taking climate action.
Real investment in outdoor activities will create the following outcomes for government:
• provide more and better opportunities for people to live healthily;
• the population will better understand and respect the State’s natural environments;
• increased visitation and migration to regional areas;
• meet the needs of the population for outdoor resources now and into the future; and
• enhanced understanding of how outdoor activities are compatible with other resource uses such as management for wildlife and biodiversity, watersheds, timber harvesting, historic preservation and Indigenous cultural needs.
This position statement sets out a list of actions that we are seeking from political parties. Combined, these actions are a recipe for positive outcomes in outdoor activities – this is not a shopping list of separate options for picking and choosing.
Outdoors Queensland is the peak body representing the interests of Queensland’s outdoor sector.
A member-based organisation, Outdoors Queensland represents a broad range of stakeholders as we work with the sector to promote outdoor activities and enhance the capacity and capability of operators who take people outdoors to learn, heal, play and live.
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