State Election Position Statement responses

Political Party Responses

In June 2024, with a state government election looming later in the year, Outdoors Queensland created a State Election Position Statement which was sent to all political parties for a response and published here on our website.

The document called on all political parties to:

… lead by taking action to support outdoor organisations and protect nature.

and went on to say:

Actively supporting the diverse sector working in, through and with the great outdoors requires establishing consistent outdoor policy and allocating dedicated funding for outdoor activities and development of the outdoor workforce.

With the election only days away, we are pleased to share the responses we have received from all political parties …

Summary of responses from political parties

In no particular order …

The Liberal National Party (LNP) has pledged to enhance outdoor recreation and conservation efforts in Queensland, emphasising public access to the state’s natural areas. The LNP aims to foster a deeper appreciation for the environment by working with communities and stakeholders to promote ecotourism and outdoor activities.

As part of its conservation strategy, the LNP will maintain funding to expand Queensland’s national parks and protected areas. To support this growth, 150 new rangers will be recruited over the next four years, including roles in the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers.

The plan includes a specialist fire strike team of 30 rangers, strategically stationed across the state to respond swiftly to wildfires and manage fire risks. The initiative represents a $56 million investment to safeguard the future of Queensland’s natural estate.

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) has expressed strong support for expanding outdoor access and making better use of existing public spaces across North Queensland. The party has previously advocated for increased hiking access in national parks to encourage outdoor exercise and enable more people to enjoy the region’s natural beauty.

KAP argues that improved infrastructure would facilitate greater public access to these scenic locations, delivering significant health benefits and a strong return on investment. The party is also keen to boost tourism through outdoor projects such as mountain bike trails and multi-day hikes, which they believe could attract visitors and stimulate local economies.

KAP representatives are committed to initiatives that promote North Queensland’s landscapes while creating jobs and driving investment in the tourism sector.

The Queensland Greens have outlined their support for expanding outdoor recreation and environmental protection initiatives, while also advocating for stronger climate action and energy reform. Key commitments include:

  1. Outdoor Recreation and Health: They endorse promoting outdoor activities and infrastructure, integrating these with health initiatives to improve physical activity and mental health outcomes. They support strategies like Activate! Queensland and its potential alignment with future plans, such as the Elevate 2042 Legacy strategy. While they back various outdoor activities, they question government support for motorized outdoor sports, citing better alternatives for inclusivity and sustainability.
  2. Protected Areas Expansion: The Greens pledge to double Queensland’s protected areas to 17% by 2030. Their biodiversity policy calls for a comprehensive system of protected terrestrial, freshwater, and marine areas to safeguard ecosystems and biodiversity. They advocate for increased funding for park management, protection of high conservation value areas, and ensuring traditional custodians play a central role in land management.
  3. Indigenous Land Management: The party supports boosting the number of Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers and expanding joint management and ownership of protected areas by First Nations communities. This includes recognizing cultural burning practices and enhancing protections against climate-related risks like bushfires.
  4. Climate Action and Energy Policy: The Greens criticize the current government for approving new coal mines and call for an urgent transition to renewable energy, aiming for 100% public renewable power by 2030. They seek to ban new fossil fuel projects, implement stronger emissions targets, and create a Queensland Climate Transition Authority to support workers and communities in moving away from fossil fuels.
  5. Legislative Initiatives: The Greens back measures like the Queensland Climate Transition Bill, which seeks to phase out coal, oil, and gas projects and establish mandatory renewable energy targets. Additionally, they support keeping energy infrastructure under public ownership.

The Greens party argues for a swift, fair transition to a sustainable economy to address Queensland’s significant contribution to climate change and its impacts.

In its response, One Nation criticised Outdoors Queensland, labelling it a “radical environmental activist group”. While acknowledging the benefits of outdoor activities for Queenslanders and visitors, One Nation rejected calls to commit to genuine climate action and energy solutions, arguing that renewable energy projects destroy the places we claim we want to protect. Additionally, the party rejected expansion of protection of Queensland’s land and waters.

The Australian Labor Party (ALP) advised that the Miles Government has announced a significant expansion of protected areas in Queensland, acquiring over 779,000 hectares of land since the launch of its Protected Area Strategy. This investment, including a record $262.5 million, aims to enhance nature-based recreational opportunities.

The ALP response went on to state that under the Native Timber Action Plan, 20,000 hectares of former state forests in South-East Queensland will be transferred to protected status as logging ends, with nearly 30,000 additional hectares to be available for public recreation by the end of 2024. A further up to 60,000 hectares in the Eastern Hardwoods supply area will also be identified for future protection, increasing outdoor recreation and visitation opportunities across the southern part of Queensland.

In support of sport and recreation amid cost-of-living challenges, the 2024-25 Budget includes $60 million for the FairPlay vouchers programme, making every child aged 5 to 17 eligible for up to $200 towards sports fees. Additional allocations include $9.5 million for community sport infrastructure, $3 million for youth crime prevention in partnership with the Queensland Police, and funding for various programmes aimed at increasing physical activity.

The government is also investing $72 million over four years in the Queensland Academy of Sport’s High Performance Strategy to support elite athletes in preparation for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This funding will maintain over 100 high-performance practitioners and provide over 500 athletes with access to top facilities and sports technology. Since 2015, the government has invested $811.9 million in sport and recreation infrastructure.

Thanks to all political parties for taking the time to respond to our State Election Position Statement and to all those who provided input and helped create the document.

We trust that people from across the Queensland outdoor sector will consider these responses when deciding how to vote come election day.


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