Updated Education QLD COVID Plan

Updated Education QLD COVID Plan

COVID-19 Industry Plan 2021

Posted on 18.01.2021

Updated 15 January 2021

This Queensland Education COVID-19 Industry Plan 2021 (PDF, 228KB) applies to all Queensland state schools and provides a guide for actions required by the Department of Education’s tiered (action level) response to COVID-19. It informs principal decision making regarding the measures to be implemented at their school, recognising that different schools or communities may be at different ‘action levels’ at any point in time.

This industry plan will be updated as required to align with health advice. Printed copies are uncontrolled and may not reflect current advice.

Excerpt – Excursions and camps

At action levels 2 and 3, excursions and camps are permitted to be held at Department of Education Outdoor and Environmental Education Centres (O&EEC) or at locations or businesses that have an approved COVID Safe Industry Plan  or are using a COVID Safe Checklist. O&EECs with residential facilities are required to follow the Queensland Government’s approved COVID Safe Industry Plan for outdoor education providers.

It is recommended that schools insert the following clause to the consent section of their activity consent form (DOC, 344KB):

I give consent for my child’s name to be given to businesses visited during this activity in compliance with the Queensland Chief Health Officer’s Restrictions on Businesses, Activities and Undertakings Direction (No. 4) (or its successor)

If a student’s parent/carer does not provide consent via the activity consent form, or by other means that will allow the school and venue to comply with COVID Safe Industry Plans, the student will be unable to participate.

Excursion/camp risk assessments must be undertaken prior to approval and must take into account approved COVID-19 control measures.

In addition to the general excursion and camp requirements, music camps for students must adhere to the Instrumental Music Program guidelines for managing hazards associated with COVID-19 (PDF, 403KB).

At action level 4, excursions and camps must not occur.



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