Mt Barney Lodge


Nature-based tourism may provide a well-structured format to facilitate opportunities for wellness. This research collected in-depth data from 72 tourists to explore the holistic wellbeing outcomes of experiences at the Mt. Barney Lodge in Queensland, Australia. We found that the Lodge offers a multitude of benefits across wellbeing dimensions. Such research indicates that nature is a public health resource, and that nature-tourism enterprises have the potential to deliver nature therapies. Creating carefully planned packages that deliver both nature contact and connectedness, offer self-development and transformative impacts and are partnered with mechanisms to encourage consistent nature contact, may be integral to the lasting wellbeing of people and planet.


  • Benefits across mental, spiritual, social, intellectual and environmental domains
  • Hedonic wellbeing outcomes are short-lived unless constant nature contact possible
  • Such research indicates that nature is a public health resource
  • Nature-based tourism enterprises have potential to deliver nature therapies
  • Carefully planned nature packages for lasting wellbeing of people and planet needed


Rachel Clissold, Ross Westoby, Karen E. McNamara and Christopher Fleming

Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights
Volume 3, Issue 2, November 2022
Science Direct

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