Outdoor Recreation Policy for the Next State Government Election
With an election looming and knowing the need for an outdoor recreation policy to ensure a healthy future for our sector, QORF has prepared an outdoor recreation policy statement, which we have sent to the political parties* seeking their support and commitment.
The key message of the statement can be summed up:
- Outdoor activities deliver significant economic benefits to Queensland: thousands of Queenslanders are directly and indirectly employed due to our State’s great outdoors.
The 3 key calls to action are:
- Statewide Outdoor Recreation Framework
- QORF calls for commitments to revive the Statewide Outdoor Recreation Framework
- Recreational trail development and promotion
- QORF calls for the development and promotion of significant recreational trails
- Research
- QORF calls for commitments to research the wide-ranging benefits of outdoor activities
*Copies have been sent to the ALP, LNP, Greens, KAP and One Nation.
QORF recognises that being outdoors is good for people. The outdoors is great for well-being and can speed up healing. Nature can calm us down and increase creativity and productivity. Outdoor experiences connect people to their true selves, to others and to the natural environment.
QORF Strategic Plan: 2017-2019
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