Dominic Pelc

Seeking input to address key areas of concern

ANZSCO (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) is the basis for many areas of industry support, development, research and more. As the outdoor industry is not fully understood or recognised in this system, we have seen grants and other support given based on ANZSCO codes exclude many people who should have been included as intended.

Now is the time to help change and include the Outdoor Sector as a recognised career option, business area and industry –  see link below


The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) jointly managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Stats NZ, describes, and covers all occupations in the Australian and New Zealand labour markets.

Currently, ANZSCO is largely based on the 2001 labour market. The Australian government recently announced new funding over 4 years for the ABS to undertake a comprehensive update of ANZSCO (for delivery by December 2024) and commence an ongoing maintenance program in 2025.

The ABS is working with several Australian Government agencies to update ANZSCO and is currently inviting submissions on the following topics:

Skills in ANZSCO

ANZSCO is a skill-based classification. Consultation with key users of the classification has identified that the way in which skills are reflected in ANZSCO needs to change to reflect how skills are used in the contemporary Australian labour market.

The ABS is seeking input on proposed options to address key areas of concern identified by stakeholders to ensure they are supported by users of the classification.

These proposed options if supported by users will be implemented over time with ABS’s position to be published later in 2022. This will include the intended timeline for implementation.

Submissions close 26 July 2022




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