Member Surveys
2023 Outdoors Queensland Member Survey
Excerpt from the Executive Summary
The 2023 Outdoors Queensland Member Survey, conducted during November and December 2023, expanded on the results of the Queensland Outdoor Census conducted in mid-2023 and focussed on opportunities and issues for organisations and the outdoor sector generally.
Respondents to the survey strongly indicated that their organisation’s services are needed, and their clients/members are engaged. The key issue causing pain and concern for organisations is staffing/workers, especially suitable skilled workers.
When asked about the single, largest opportunity for outdoor activities in Queensland, the strongest theme from responses was Queensland’s environment, weather, climate and nature are the greatest asset and opportunity.
When asked about the core roles Outdoors Queensland should focus on, the strongest responses were:
- Advocating for the outdoor sector and access to places
- Networking for members/stakeholders, and
- Communications/marketing/sharing information.
The Early Impacts of COVID-19 on QORF Members
Analysis of structured interview questions
This report was developed to examine the current impacts of COVID-19 on members of the Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation (QORF).
The research addresses concerns about the scope, scale and nature of impacts of COVID-19 on those working in and for the outdoor sector. Based on answers to structured interview questions with 88 (54%) of QORF’s members, the findings reveal:
- 80% of QORF members have lost business resulting in staff needing to be stood down, work reduced hours, work from home, or rely on JobKeeper;
- 18% have no work for their casual/ non-essential staff and have had to stand them all down;
- 68% have already experienced major impacts on their revenue, with State Recreation Organisations (SRO’s), Activity & Tour Providers, and Campsite/ Conference Centres indicating the greatest impacts;
- nearly 70% of respondents have a strong level of certainty their organisation would be operating in 6 months-time; and
- only 60% rated a strong level of confidence they would still be operating in 12-months-time.
Outdoors Queensland Awards 2017
In August 2017, we created a simple survey on the Outdoors Queensland Awards which was sent to all Green Circle members to find out what they thought of the Outdoors Queensland Awards and to identify what we needed to do to make the Award Nominations and the Awards Ceremony the best they can be.
UQ QORF Brand Reach & Effectiveness Surveys
In early 2017, QORF was approached by the University of Queensland to see if we would host a research project for a group of Business School students. Since demands on QORF staff time would be minimal and that Donna Little would be overseeing the project (as a tutor with UQ), we decided to go ahead. After some discussion and to and froing we eventually agreed on a project – an opportunity to research the reach and effectiveness of QORF and the QORF brand, to provide suitable evidence/argument of the need to change, and to indicate the direction that change might take.
In order for us to best represent our members and the outdoor sector in general, and to add weight to our position when we advocate on your behalf, we ran a survey in 2016 to understand how many people we connect with through our Green Circle Members, and how many people we represent in the outdoor community across Queensland.
Social Media
We recently reviewed all our Green Circle Members to find out how many were on social media, which social media platforms they were using and how many people were connected to the outdoors through the platforms in use. While the favourite platform, not surprisingly, was Facebook at 68.82% of members with their own page, the numbers were quite sensational!
Outdoor Sector Survey
In early 2016, we undertook a survey of our members, to improve our understanding and to assist us to perform as the peak body for outdoor recreation in Queensland. One clear message from the survey was:
The greatest opportunity is to position outdoor recreation as a way of life for all Queenslanders – taking advantage of our weather, spaces, venues and corridors.