Outdoors Queensland Awards

Outdoors Queensland Awards

The Awards recognise and reward excellence in the outdoor recreation community.


Outdoors Queensland Awards 2024

Date: Friday November 29, 2024
Venue: Rydges South Bank


Important Dates

  • Nominations Open: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Nominations Close: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
  • Finalists announced: Tuesday, August 27, 2024
  • Awards Dinner bookings Open: August 27, 2024
  • Winners announced: Friday, November 29, 2024

Please note, Outdoors Queensland reserves the right to change dates without notice.

Nominations Now OPEN

Check out the Award categories – decide who you want to nominate, think about what you will say to convince the judges your nominee is ‘the one!’, start gathering resources and then …

About the Awards

The Outdoors Queensland Awards recognise and reward excellence in the outdoors community. The Awards celebrate individuals, organisations, programs, events and activities that have been successful in significantly improving outcomes for participants, clients and communities.

The Outdoors Queensland Awards are for the ‘outdoors community in Queensland’ – outdoor enthusiasts, adventure tourism operators, outdoor education providers, activity clubs, land managers, retailers … and more.

The Outdoors Queensland Awards are an important means of recognising the size and diversity of the outdoors community and industry and provide an opportunity for outdoor individuals and organisations to be rewarded and recognised for their contribution. They are also a means of recognising how important the outdoors, outdoor activity and the environment are to the lifestyle of Queenslanders.


New Event Sponsor

In 2024 we are proud to announce a new event sponsor, Protect Beautiful Queensland.

The synergy between our two organisations is clear when comparing our mission statements:
Protect Beautiful Queensland: We want all Queenslanders to have better access to the beautiful nature that our state has in abundance, and Outdoors Queensland: That all people have the opportunity to make connections with Queensland’s outdoors.

Be inspired!

Check out the Previous Award Winners    


The Outdoors Queensland Distinguished Achievers Award

This award recognises and acknowledges the achievements of the consistent winners of the Outdoors Queensland Awards (and formerly the Queensland Outdoor Recreation Awards) since their inception in 2002. The benchmark is a minimum of three awards.

Previous recipients:


The Awards

The Queensland Government Individual Achievement Award

Sponsored by the Queensland Government

This award is for individuals who have demonstrated professionalism, high achievement in a particular field and exemplary role modelling.

They should meet all or some of the Essential Criteria, and in addition, they may have demonstrated excellence through one or more:

  • High achiever in chosen field
  • Exemplary leadership and role modelling
  • Commitment to professional practice and communication
  • Ethical outdoor practice
  • Significant contribution to an organisation, outdoor recreation and/or the outdoor community

Suitable for an Individual


The K2 Base Camp Emerging Achiever Award

Sponsored by K2 Base Camp

This award recognises the efforts and achievements of an individual new to the outdoor sector; a student, a young person, or anyone making a change into the sector. They may be enrolled in a structured course (eg school, TAFE, university), volunteering, working as a trainee, or newly employed by an outdoor provider.

They should meet all or some of the Essential Criteria, and in addition, they may have demonstrated excellence through one or more:

  • Achievement of personal goals or marked improvement
  • Personal leadership qualities and initiative
  • Professional behaviour and ethical outdoor practice
  • Effort over and above what is expected
  • Commitment to best practice delivery and safety
  • Contribution which has helped achieve significant outcomes

Suitable for an Individual


The Queensland Government Outdoor Recreation Award

Sponsored by the Queensland Government

This award is for an outdoor recreation peak body, club, provider, event or product that stands out from all others; has raised awareness about the benefits of outdoor recreation and being outdoors; has increased participation in outdoor recreation; and has made a significant impact on the outdoor recreation sector.

They should meet all or some of the Essential Criteria, and in addition, they may have demonstrated excellence through one or more:

  • Consistent high quality service delivery and safety record
  • Innovative instructional, recreational, or educational programs
  • Inclusive opportunities for people of all ages and/or abilities
  • Demonstrated environmental sustainability and land management practices
  • Active involvement in local communities
  • Opportunities created for people to have positive experiences in the outdoors
  • Effective marketing and promotion

Suitable for an Organisation


The Equipped Outdoors Outdoor Education Award

Sponsored by Equipped Outdoors

This award is for school, early childhood, out of school care, camp or outdoor education providers that deliver outdoor education programs in outdoor adventurous settings, and significantly influence a participant’s physical ability, mental health and ability to thrive.

They should meet all or some of the Essential Criteria, and in addition they may have demonstrated excellence through one or more:

  • Innovative instructional or educational programs
  • Consistent high quality service delivery and safety record
  • Inclusive opportunities for students of all ages and/or abilities
  • Development of innovative outdoor learning environments, spaces or venues
  • Development of creative resources for outdoor education – activities, games, initiatives.
  • Demonstrated environmental sustainability and land management practices
  • Innovative or creative approaches to curriculum interpretation in outdoor learning.
  • Creating opportunities for students to have positive experiences in the outdoors
  • Outcomes that include improved student personal, social and environmental awareness, understanding and commitment

Suitable for an Organisation


The Queensland Government Outdoor Play Award

Sponsored by the Queensland Government

This award is for organisations (eg. play groups, nature play providers, community groups, councils) that have increased opportunities for Queensland children to spend time in unstructured play outdoors and in nature.

They should meet all or some of the Essential Criteria, and in addition they may have demonstrated excellence through one or more:

  • Innovative outdoor / nature play programs, events, or activities
  • Provision of exciting outdoor / nature play spaces
  • Development of creative resources for outdoor / nature play
  • Awareness raising events, publications, or services

Suitable for an Organisation


The Bec Fox Unleash Your Power Outdoor Therapies Award

Sponsored by Bec Fox – Unleash Your Power

The recipient of this award is an individual, organisation or program that has significantly improved the health and wellbeing of Queenslanders through the use of nature and/or adventure by delivering innovative programs, interventions, training, advocacy and/or research.

They should meet all or some of the Essential Criteria, and in addition they may have demonstrated excellence through one or more:

  • Inclusive program design and delivery
  • Program development in line with state and/or national health initiatives
  • Demonstrated commitment to sustainable replicable program development
  • Outcomes demonstrating improvements to users and/or practice
  • Demonstrated commitment to the development of adventure therapies

Suitable for an Individual or an Organisation


The Queensland Government Adventure Tourism Award

Sponsored by the Queensland Government

This award is for a tourism operator, event or product that delivers outdoor activity adventure products for either local or inbound participants.

They should meet all or some of the Essential Criteria, and in addition they may have demonstrated excellence through one or more:

  • Consistent high quality service delivery and safety record
  • Innovative physical activity products
  • Demonstrated focus on the environment and/or indigenous culture
  • Inclusive opportunities for people of all ages and/or abilities
  • Demonstrated environmental sustainability and land management practices
  • Opportunities created for people to have positive experiences in the outdoors
  • Responsible marketing and promotion

Suitable for an Organisation


The AQIA Workforce Development Award 

Sponsored by the Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance (AQIA)

This award is open to any organisation that supports workforce development by taking on trainee employees/volunteers, provides in-house training or supports workers to undertake external training. 

They should meet all or some of the Essential Criteria, and in addition, they may have demonstrated excellence through one or more: 

  • Commitment to personal and career development of workers 
  • Consistent high quality in-house training delivery 
  • Provision of support for workers to undertake education and/or training with Registered Training Organisations or universities
  • Trainee positions offered to a diverse range of people and abilities 
  • Incorporating a commitment to the Australian Adventure Activity Standard (AAAS) within worker training

Suitable for an Organisation


The Outdoors Queensland Government Achievement Award

Sponsored by Outdoors Queensland

The Government Achievement Award recognises the achievements of local or state government department, agency, person or program and/or agency that has produced positive outcomes for the outdoor sector.

The recipient of this award, selected by the Outdoors Queensland Board, should meet all or some of the Essential Criteria, and in addition may have demonstrated excellence through one or more:

  • Development of supportive policies, strategies and/or actions
  • Active engagement with advisory groups or committees to address community needs and values
  • The provision of a diverse range of outdoor activity opportunities


Outdoors Queensland thanks and acknowledges the ongoing support of the Outdoors Queensland Awards from our sponsors: The Queensland Government, Protect Beautiful Queensland, the Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance, Bec Fox – Unleash Your Power, K2 Base Camp, and Equipped Outdoors



Managing Your Event!

Resources to help you plan and run an amazing event: Event Management



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