Walking great for your mental fitness

Walking great for your mental fitness

10 reasons why walking is great for your mental fitness

Posted on 03.08.2018

Having spent 13 months walking 3,000 miles across mainland Great Britain in the name of mental health, Jake Tyler reveals why a stroll is good for the soul.

Last April, 30-year-old Jake Tyler was in a bad place. Plagued by anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts, he calls it the “darkest state of mind” he’d ever been in and feared he would never recover. But then something twigged: “I’d started working on my physical fitness, and whenever I’d spend time outdoors I realised the positive impact that being immersed in nature was giving me. Which got me thinking: if something as simple as taking a walk and encountering the natural beauty of this country can make me feel so much better, why don’t more people do this? So I decided to do something about it.”

That he did, embarking on an incredible 3,000-mile walk that started in Brighton and spanned the length and breadth of the British Isles, taking in incredible sprawling trails, gorgeous scenery, 

All while raising money and awareness for The Mental Health Foundation

Here, he reveals just why a good walk can help clear the mind.

So you’re up, out and moving; now’s the time to start thinking about things you want to do. What will you do with this new lease of life? Who will you reconnect with? Feeling happy and content helps us to feel creative, and look forward to what’s around the corner.

Movement is the key to unlock your motivation, and once you’ve got your mojo back, anything seems possible.

Get out there and live the life you want to live!


Red Bull



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